Hi TL! Yesterday I was hanging out with a bunch of friends. For some reason, two of them, who play SC2, started calling each other out about their SC2 skills. After some arguing, they decided the only way to find out who is the better player is to fight each other in a Bo11. My brother then came up with the idea to stream and commentate the matches, so our other friends who are not familiar with Starcraft, can watch as well. Everyone thought this was a great idea and the rest of the evening was mostly spend speculating how the matches would end.
So if you're interested in watching a show match between a gold Zerg (Humposaurus) and platinum Protoss (Linkirvana), casted by a first time caster, please join us at http://nl.twitch.tv/nifoxeli. The quality of the gameplay and the stream might not be great, but I personally find it quite enjoyable :p
Right now the score is 2-1 in favor of the Protoss and the last 2 matches have been pretty entertaining.