Hi TL,
I'm soon-to-be 18 year old guy with a dream. I know that sounds cheesy but I couldn't help it.
I've been interested in acting for a rather long period of time now and I've been member of a local but actually very good theatre group for 3 years now, playing every year in workshop production and nowadays even in regular ones if they need a young guy. It is a lot of fun for me and slowly but steadily a dream built up inside of me, which is to to this professionally.
"Oh my god" you now might think or "this is never going to work, sorry" and I don't want to sound delusional since I know a couple of professional actors in Austria and am aware of how chancy this job is and how much luck you need to have to be able to live off of this job.
Especially in Austria it's rough, because acting schools are rare and jobs even more so. The theatre and film industry in this country is smaller than a baby Zergling one might say. My mother though, affected to the UK herself as her second husband hails from there, planted the idea of moving to a more promising place in my head - by the way I think it's awesome that she didn't try too hard to scare me away of that job, lol - and the UK would offer itself as it's theatre scene is way bigger and there are a lot of good acting schools there. Again to attend one of those you have to go through several rounds of casting etc, lots of luck, blabla. One advantage I have is that I'm male (there are waaaaaaaay more female applicants for acting schools) and maybe that I'm no native english speaker (Nazi roles? lol). English in itself shouldn't be a problem since mine is pretty good for Austrian standards and in case I'll really end up living in England I'll be able to pick up the missing thins quickly.
Now I haven't finished school yet and that is a matter that is actually psychologically crippling me for a long time as I have been troubles for years there, not only with my grades but also with being accepted by classmates etc. But I hope to get that done soon, preferrably in one year, worst case scen in 2. After that I'm basically free to do what I wish since I'm not suitable for military service here (fucking scoliosis and stupid eyes, oh well).
Thing is, I'm not rich either, but I also don't have high demands regarding living etc. So I'd be perfectly fine with living in a kind of a dormitory with a bed an a PC and something easily accessible to eat. Yet the schools are costly as well ~.~, depending on where I'm taken I might be able to do a half time job to make up for it and I hope for a bit of financial support from my parents too, although that wouldn't be much...
I don't actually know where I'm heading with this entry, but all these obstacles aren't hindering me of dreaming and aiming to go after my dream. I was always of the opinion that you should do that if you have a dream. I'm young, I have a bit of time 'till I'll have to make that decision and much can change, but I would also have all the chances remaining If I tried and failed.
If you read all this, thanks, I do need to write thoughts that are bugging me down from time to time just to cope with them more easily. Maybe some of you have experiences with moving to another country and leaving basically everything behind? I think I can make new friends pretty quickly, but you never know... or maybe you want to just tell me to forget this thought? Ah crap, I know it's all to early yet, but I can't get it out of my head.
Edit: Why I posted this on TL? I don't know, I guess it's the best place I know ;-)