On the bright side, due to both the heat and my illness, I haven't had to do anything for the last few days, which is nice. But then, it's counter balanced by the lack of socialization that I've had. Eh, whatever, I made up for it with an excessive amount of Dr. Horrible, Firefly, Star Trek, Starcraft, and Terry Pratchett. Thank God for Netflix connecting to my Wii!
On another darkerer side, my friends have been really tense with eachother. It seems our Minecraft server has experienced -- Ominous Que Music -- A GRIEFER!!! -- Ominous Outro To Commercial Music. So the lot of them, except Genesis of course, have been harassing TheInsomnic about fixing it all, and he's stressed because he has other things going on. Overall, things were looking rather painful last time I checked in on them, so I really should get on Skype at not-3AM. Oh well, these things have a way of working themselves out.
Alrighty! I've gotten my complaints out, and I am now content again. Yay for complaining on the interwebs! Very convenient. Okay, I'm going to go play two or three rounds of BroodWar, then take an excessive amount of Tylenol and either die, or go into a coma. Night, all!
{/|Fluffy Bin-Laden|\}