Soooo, umm, hi, my name is Lucas though my ign is UnitedKronos. First a little about myself. I'm 13 years old and I currently live in Connecticut. I have been playing SC2 since August 4th of 2010, when I got it on my birthday. I have taken a few 2-3 month breaks, but I still play and love the game. I play protoss and zerg and a low-diamond level. When I first started playing I played the first few campaign missions and I didn't think SC2 was all that great. Then I tried playing league. I started in the practice league and played all of my 50 matches. Boy, did I think I was good. I won around 40 out of the total 50 matches and I thought I was really hot shit. When I played my first placement match I got cannon rushed. Not knowing what he was doing, I assumed he was a noob and I just let his pylon finish behind my mineral line. Then I was really surprised when he warped in a cannon. Even more surprised when he started killing my workers and then my base. I BM'ed him, saying it was only luck he won then I ever so graciously surrendered. At this point, I thought I could do better with my other placement matches so I played them all in that same day, losing all 5. Placed into bronze league, I decided to go onto youtube and see if I could find some unbeatable strategy that would make me the best. I didn't find one, but I did however, find HuskyStarcraft. Man, this guy was so entertaining I watched him for hours. He said things I didn't understand the slightest, but boy, did he have a great caster voice. I slowly learned strategies from the pros and I used them in my own play. Slowly, I began to climb out of bronze and eventually into Gold. At this point, I was sort of getting bored of 4gating and 3gate roboing every game so I decided to take a break from SC2.
End of blog post 1- More posts to come soon!!!