First off I will make a post in the stickied thread as well but I wanted to try this as well because the official thread is so damn crowded.
So I am looking for a consistent practice partner or mentor. Someone who I can play against regularly and can then help me improve my play in ways that a single analysis of one replay can not. Also just laddering is rather intense, no social interaction and having someone to discuss the game with in real time would be nice given my friends don’t like RTS. They won't leave their shooter games
I play as often as I can, evenings and afternoons mostly but it varies with my schedule.
Now for the the technical information
Server: US West BattlenetID: Hyde.519 Leauge: Silver Rank: 25 Profile Link: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2891595/1/Hyde/
Also here are a few replays if feel the need to see me in action
Game 1: http://replayfu.com/r/vdcDCq ZvP, units camping outside my base and I couldn't break it.
Game 2 http://replayfu.com/r/5xDdvh ZvZ We both expand, I expand more, he takes some of them out then I fly brood lords into the back of his base.
Game 3 http://replayfu.com/r/LdtrTm ZvP He puts some early pressure on me and I cant deal with it, my macro fails me.
I am not asking for analysis (but if you wish too provide it I am hardly going to say no) just trying to provide a complete picture of my skill level.
So if you are interested in something like this let me know and I am sure we can come to some mutually beneficial arrangement.
Thanks -=Hyyde=-
i'm a Gold Protoss ID: Kasparov.346 i would like to have a practice partner who really want to gets better :D
We will play sometime soon, right now I am trouble shooting my hardware. Its looking like I may need a new Mother Board.
If you'd like a little assistance, I'd be glad to help you out.
Masters T, High Diamond Z. I'll be masters with Z as soon as the next season comes out.
Decent concept of the game, I played bw.
I'm Darclite.257 on NA, a plat protoss. Feel free to add me, but I have the same problem; my computer just spazzed out in a way I don't understand, I think it's haunted. But yeah, let's work together and get better.
I wouldn't mind being your practice partner. I've been looking for someone I could actual practice with more often. Most people I know don't play often or are much into practicing and getting better. So I'll hit you up on some practices or you can hit me up and ask! I'm more then sure up to practice recently since the ladder- I find has been a huge cheese/all-in fest.
Snype.129 Silver league- maybe being gold with the new season coming! I can hope.
Hello everyone! I am Aelonius, currently a platinum Zerg on EU and NA and close to promotion for diamond. I am always up for helping players out in weekends with free coaching to the best of my ability.
Give me a heads up through PM, OR add me :
NA: vGiAelonius 973 EU: vGiAelonius 973 Skype: vGiAelonius
Skype would make it easier to help you get solid fundamentals to get beating gold players.