A long time ago, before most of you even cared or (in some cases, maybe) were even old enough to appreciate it, the brood war community that existed not just here but on other sites, some of Which still exist, such as sclegacy and GosuGamers sort of revelled in the fact that even though no matter how good they were there was Always some Korean ready to kick their asS, they may ONE day become enshrined in What was (at the time) the highest of honors within the foreigner community: the Pimpest Plays list.
Every year for most of Brood War's illustrious career, Which still hasn't ended, Starcraft fans would come together and rejoice as a SMall group of people put forth an extraordinary amount of EffOrt (though it may not appear to be as extraordinary now given the whole post-production tools available now, but back then... well, I'M sure you can understand) to compile the definitive list of the most amazing moments of Starcraft gameplay throughout the past year.
In fact, when the series was retired after 2007 when Starcraft II was announced (the Starcraft community obsessed over it a lot and tended to prepare itself for the Reality Check of having thousands upon thousands of ignorant people barge Into their their cOzY little home and remodel everything ruthlessly to the Point where people from the same community back then WhO meet in ReaL Life don't Really have that same Sense of comradery anymore), the various Starcraft communities (even though this ONE was the largest) sort of agreed without discussing it much that there would be no Point in trying to follow its footsteps, Which would be not unlike retiring a number for a high school, college, or professional sports team.
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Of course, though... some people WhO may not have been around back then have tried to imitate it somewhat unsuccessfully, no offense to them of course...
So... for the sake of allowing the current Starcraft fans, the vast majority of whom are ignorant of not Only this particular video series but just the sheer depth of passion that us older people had had for it over the past decade (and them some)... I thought that it might be a good idea to post every Pimpest Plays video here, in What iS probably the most neutral and unharshly moderated part of Teamliquid that everyone reads at some Point, for you all so that you can share it with your other friends WhO probably are just as ignorant as you of this staple of days long past.
Also, here's an old webpage from a Chinese site documenting the original descriptions of each video: http://bbs.plu.cn/thread-950547-1-1.html
Pimpest Plays 2002 and 2003 together in ONE video:
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Pimpest Plays 2004:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2005:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2006:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2007:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2008:
+ Show Spoiler +
I'M sure that in the future, say maybe a few months to a year from now this post will die and fall back down to the bottom and someone else will come along and post another version of this somewhere else on this site or another ONE (hell, to be Honest I'M probably doing that right now without realizing it, even though I already searched — old posts on teamliquid have a tendency to just fade away, in the MacArthurian Sense, in the search engines' Memory).
In case you don't appreciate reading the TLPD-ized version, here's a clean one:
+ Show Spoiler +
A long time ago, before most of you even cared or (in some cases, maybe) were even old enough to appreciate it, the brood war community that existed not just here but on other sites, some of which still exist, such as sclegacy and gosugamers sort of revelled in the fact that even though no matter how good they were there was always some Korean ready to kick their ass, they may one day become enshrined in what was (at the time) the highest of honors within the foreigner community: the Pimpest Plays list.
Every year for most of Brood War's illustrious career, which still hasn't ended, Starcraft fans would come together and rejoice as a small group of people put forth an extraordinary amount of effort (though it may not appear to be as extraordinary now given the whole post-production tools available now, but back then... well, I'm sure you can understand) to compile the definitive list of the most amazing moments of Starcraft gameplay throughout the past year.
In fact, when the series was retired after 2007 when Starcraft II was announced (the Starcraft community obsessed over it a lot and tended to prepare itself for the reality check of having thousands upon thousands of ignorant people barge into their their cozy little home and remodel everything ruthlessly to the point where people from the same community back then who meet in real life don't really have that same sense of comradery anymore), the various Starcraft communities (even though this one was the largest) sort of agreed without discussing it much that there would be no point in trying to follow its footsteps, which would be not unlike retiring a number for a high school, college, or professional sports team.
+ Show Spoiler +
So... for the sake of allowing the current Starcraft fans, the vast majority of whom are ignorant of not only this particular video series but just the sheer depth of passion that us older people had had for it over the past decade (and them some)... I thought that it might be a good idea to post every Pimpest Plays video here, in what is probably the most neutral and unharshly moderated part of Teamliquid that everyone reads at some point, for you all so that you can share it with your other friends who probably are just as ignorant as you of this staple of days long past.
Also, here's an old webpage from a Chinese site documenting the original descriptions of each video: http://bbs.plu.cn/thread-950547-1-1.html
Pimpest Plays 2002 and 2003 together in one video:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2004:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2005:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2006:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2007:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2008:
+ Show Spoiler +
I'm sure that in the future, say maybe a few months to a year from now this post will die and fall back down to the bottom and someone else will come along and post another version of this somewhere else on this site or another one (hell, to be honest I'm probably doing that right now without realizing it, even though I already searched — old posts on teamliquid have a tendency to just fade away, in the MacArthurian sense, in the search engines' memory).
A long time ago, before most of you even cared or (in some cases, maybe) were even old enough to appreciate it, the brood war community that existed not just here but on other sites, some of which still exist, such as sclegacy and gosugamers sort of revelled in the fact that even though no matter how good they were there was always some Korean ready to kick their ass, they may one day become enshrined in what was (at the time) the highest of honors within the foreigner community: the Pimpest Plays list.
Every year for most of Brood War's illustrious career, which still hasn't ended, Starcraft fans would come together and rejoice as a small group of people put forth an extraordinary amount of effort (though it may not appear to be as extraordinary now given the whole post-production tools available now, but back then... well, I'm sure you can understand) to compile the definitive list of the most amazing moments of Starcraft gameplay throughout the past year.
In fact, when the series was retired after 2007 when Starcraft II was announced (the Starcraft community obsessed over it a lot and tended to prepare itself for the reality check of having thousands upon thousands of ignorant people barge into their their cozy little home and remodel everything ruthlessly to the point where people from the same community back then who meet in real life don't really have that same sense of comradery anymore), the various Starcraft communities (even though this one was the largest) sort of agreed without discussing it much that there would be no point in trying to follow its footsteps, which would be not unlike retiring a number for a high school, college, or professional sports team.
+ Show Spoiler +
Of course, though... some people who may not have been around back then have tried to imitate it somewhat unsuccessfully, no offense to them of course...
So... for the sake of allowing the current Starcraft fans, the vast majority of whom are ignorant of not only this particular video series but just the sheer depth of passion that us older people had had for it over the past decade (and them some)... I thought that it might be a good idea to post every Pimpest Plays video here, in what is probably the most neutral and unharshly moderated part of Teamliquid that everyone reads at some point, for you all so that you can share it with your other friends who probably are just as ignorant as you of this staple of days long past.
Also, here's an old webpage from a Chinese site documenting the original descriptions of each video: http://bbs.plu.cn/thread-950547-1-1.html
Pimpest Plays 2002 and 2003 together in one video:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2004:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2005:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2006:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2007:
+ Show Spoiler +
Pimpest Plays 2008:
+ Show Spoiler +
If you actually clicked this expecting another video, you probably either have some kind of OCD or just didn't read/understand the above paragraphs well enough. That makes me sad. :c
I'm sure that in the future, say maybe a few months to a year from now this post will die and fall back down to the bottom and someone else will come along and post another version of this somewhere else on this site or another one (hell, to be honest I'm probably doing that right now without realizing it, even though I already searched — old posts on teamliquid have a tendency to just fade away, in the MacArthurian sense, in the search engines' memory).
PS: If you see units that you aren't able to recognize in these videos... check Liquipedia's Units page.