Today was a bad day for the Swarm. I think I lost 4 or 5 in a row before this game and this one was one of my only wins. My opponent's team was a mix of random and Protoss and all the randoms also rolled Protoss. Needless to say, they all decided to go mass Void Ray early on:
Basically hydras won the day and for some reason I was the highest scoring player in the game. (This never happens. I'm usually either 2nd or 3rd in scoring for my team.) What I think I could have done better is to split my hydras into 2 groups early on instead of having all the different groups of Voids race me around the map. I think we could have won this game much sooner. And as always, remember, these are all Silver League games I'm posting.
The Moral of Today's Story: Mass Hydra (and Blink Stalkers) > 4x Void Ray
1. Only one question today and it's an important one: For Zergs out there (either 4v4 or 1v1, I don't think it matters), how do you set up your hatchery/queen macros for both larva inject and production? I think I'm doing it very inefficiently. My macros:
1 = Hatchery #1 2 = Hatchery #2 3 = Hatchery #3 or Mutas 4 = Ground Army 5 = Corruptor or Broodlords or Overseer
And that's about it. To inject, I double tap 1, manually inject with the queen, double tap 2, manually inject with the queen, and depending if I'm going mutas and if I have additional bases, I use the mini-map to cycle through the rest of my bases. I usually end up having 1 or 2 macro hatches near 1 or 2 and I double inject those. But then to use the larva for the extra hatches, I have to double tap and then double click the larva.
I've heard other people setting all queens to a single hot key and hot have hatches hotkeyed at all? How does that work? What is the best way to set up these macros?
Name: NinjaBob ID: 573 League: Silver
Gold 1v1 zerg here, so take my advice with a couple grains of salt.
*note: I'm left handed (mouse in left hand)
My setup is currently:
1 = harassment units (mutas, backstabbing lings) 2 = hatcheries, all of them. (common rally for all, obviously separate rallies for drones 3 = main queen 4 = nat queen 5 = 3rd queen rest = army (group melee units, ranged units, casters, air, in that order)
It's probably inefficient and bad, but it works for me
edit: how i inject.
1. double tap hotkey for desired queen 2. inject 3. repeat for rest of queens/hatches 4. produce units
I try to synchronize injects to make this easier
Diamond Z here, to inject I remapped 0 to alt, and then I go alt + v + space bar, then I keep pressing v and clicking on the hatches. You can just press shift and hold it down instead of pressing v over and over again, also.
My hotkeys - 1 - main army - roaches, lings, hydras, etc 2 - special stuffs, like mutas or infestors. 3 - more special stuffs, like banes, or mutas. 5 - all my hatcheries
I'm not the best at using hotkeys though. ^^
I rarely play zerg, but I use
1. Hatch 1 (add macro hatch to this at around 15 minutes) 2. Hatch 2 (scouting drone first) 3. Hatch 3 4. All queens (except 1 for creep spread) 5. Army 6. Army 8. Creep spread queen 10. Evolution chambers.
That's if I end up playing as planned; I usually forget lol.
Btw, I use the minimap trick and find it efficient.
2 main style of injection.
Hotkey individual queens - double tap queen hotkey and inject nearest hatch. Hotkey all queens together - use the backspace method to cycle through hatcheries and inject.
The only benefit of hotkeying individual hatcheries instead of all together that i know of is that you can control what units are produced where, which might be useful if for example you are forcefeilded at your ramp. It makes unit production a massive pain in the ass though, so I think it sucks.
For me, 1 is main army, 2 and three are used for infestors, BL's, Corrupters, or a group of units I'm keeping separate to counter with or something. 4 is all hatches, so to make units its just 4-s-spam unit hotkey. I individually hotkey each of my queens to 5 thru 0, one on each of my hatches, so to inject its, 55v, 66v, 77v, and so on. Works for me pretty well.
On July 11 2011 06:04 deathly rat wrote: 2 main style of injection.
Hotkey individual queens - double tap queen hotkey and inject nearest hatch. Hotkey all queens together - use the backspace method to cycle through hatcheries and inject.
The only benefit of hotkeying individual hatcheries instead of all together that i know of is that you can control what units are produced where, which might be useful if for example you are forcefeilded at your ramp. It makes unit production a massive pain in the ass though, so I think it sucks.
I think I'll try something like this:
1 = All Hatches 2 = All Queens
And change 'Backspace' to '~' or something. That might work.
edit: I just played a game versus the computer and I don't think I'm accurate enough to do the mini-map trick.
I changed backspace to \, but many people use spacebar
Plat random here, For z i use 1-4 units (1 being the main force of roaches or lings, 2 being mutas, 3 being banes, and 4 infestors), 5 for hatches, and 6 for queens (7-0 are utility for upgrades, creep spread, overseers, scouts, etc). I used the backspace method with backspace rebound to ~, works amazingly and I can inject in seconds.
Okay, so I've been messing around with this new scheme for a couple games and it works pretty well, but I've noticed that I can't group units until after they're hatched now.
Let's say I have 3 hatcheries with a total of 14 larva. And let's say I've let my resources to climb a little high no matter how fast I try to macro (which happens often). Now let's say that I have a roach warren out, but I only have enough resources to spam out 10 roaches. Instead of being able to group those 10 roaches into my ground army hot key immediately, I have to wait until they've spawned and then manually box them into the group. If I don't, then the 4 extra larva would also be joined into the group (and if I decide to make drones next, that's not a good idea).
Am I missing something or there's just no way around it and you just have to get used to it? This seemed like something I could avoid when I had the hatcheries on separate hot keys.
I have never got into grouping larva, I just add units to groups as they pop out.
For example say I'm making lings for one grp and mutas for another grp. 1) press hatches hotkey 2) s for spawn 3) z x10 4) right click on one unit of group i want to add to 5) hatches hotkey, s for spawn 6) t x 5 7) right click on existing mutas
the new units follow the other pre-existing units around even though they aren't actually in the ctrl grp. When I feel like it I shift dbl click to add new units to the ctrl groups. .
1 = Ground Units (Zerglings, Roaches, etc.) 2 = Flying Units (Mutalisks, Corrupters, etc.) 3 = Weird Shit/Casters (Infestors, Banelings, Drops, etc.) 4 = All Hatcheries 5 = All Queens 6 = Evolution Chambers 7 = Upgrade Buildings (Spire/Spawning Pool/Roach Warren, etc.) 8/9/0 = Drops/Nydus
On July 11 2011 11:38 Korinai wrote: 1 = Ground Units (Zerglings, Roaches, etc.) 2 = Flying Units (Mutalisks, Corrupters, etc.) 3 = Weird Shit/Casters (Infestors, Banelings, Drops, etc.) 4 = All Hatcheries 5 = All Queens 6 = Evolution Chambers 7 = Upgrade Buildings (Spire/Spawning Pool/Roach Warren, etc.) 8/9/0 = Drops/Nydus
So I just tried this out for myself against a computer and it looks like the speed upgrades for both the Hydra Den and Roach Warren are both set to 'G'. I'm assuming that it works if you change the hot keys? If that works, could I just change hot keys around so that I can put all buildings (Spawning Pool, Roach Warren, Spire, Hydra Den, Ultra Cavern, Infestation Pit, and even the Evolution Chambers) all on the same group?
(Why don't you put the Evo Chambers and other buildings on the same hot key group?)
edit: I guess it doesn't work that way. You just cycle with tab?
On July 11 2011 10:00 deathly rat wrote: I have never got into grouping larva, I just add units to groups as they pop out.
For example say I'm making lings for one grp and mutas for another grp. 1) press hatches hotkey 2) s for spawn 3) z x10 4) right click on one unit of group i want to add to 5) hatches hotkey, s for spawn 6) t x 5 7) right click on existing mutas
the new units follow the other pre-existing units around even though they aren't actually in the ctrl grp. When I feel like it I shift dbl click to add new units to the ctrl groups. .
This works pretty good, I think I might stick with it.