Can anyone explain to me how T's manage to have CC's all one hotkey? I want to free up a hotkey slot, but I'm use to CC's on 4 and 5.
Having them on separate hotkeys lets me know exactly how much energy I have. This lets me make the correct tactical decision - a scan available in 5s and 10s is very different. I can tap 4 twice to go back and mule to that mineral line.
How do you guys manage with CCs on one hotkey, especially with regards to watching energy?
Put them on 0, if you really need multiple hotkeys use 890 or 90.
Since I play Zerg, the transition to energy on Terran is real easy. I usually work on feeling ^^
i use camera hot keys f2 for my main f3 for my nat f4 for my third etc. after a while you can just do it on feeling.
either use camera positions or just muel every production cycle and a bit.
Use camera hotkeys to see the purple bar and then have all the ccs on one hotkey for scv production.
I'm a shit bronze player, so my energy is never too low to scan. Makes it easy.
Or was this not the solution you wanted?
Grouping your CCs together on one hotkey makes it quicker to train SCVs. Its 3 actions vs 4 actions. That's a 33% increase in speed. It also makes it easier to check for constant SCV production, which is really important because we don't have chronoboost or spawn larvae.
I guess it depends upon what you value more. Your macro, or knowing each individual orbital's energy. Personally I group my CCs together and then use camera saves for energy checks and mules.