A while back I started streaming and got some cool feedback on that, but time passed and after frying a monitor, having my video card constantly overheat and my CPU cooler make sounds of a jet plane taking off, I realized that my setup might not be quite adequate to support it. So until I'm getting a new CPU cooler and change my vid card, change my display and so forth, I decided to start making short first person vods of my playing the ladder.
The point of these videos is to have a sort of benchmark for my progress. Some might argue that you can achieve the same with replays just as well, but I would argue the point seeing as with a first person vod you can see better what you did well and what you messed up, what aspects could use some improvement while at the same time have a better overview of how I saw the game. Now the other thing is to get some feedback. I'm pretty sure that most people won't bother that much with a replay or a replay pack to give feedback but if its packaged into a nice format as a YouTube video with its own soundtrack and 720p graphics, I think more people would watch them and give me their 2 cents.
So, I'll be doing this daily and I will upload roughly 5 games a day. Note that all games won't be comprised of 2 parts but will be uploaded in one. So there won't be games over the 15 minute mark, unless they were really good to begin with. The point for this being the fact that I don't want people to start having to look through the videos to look for part 2 as well as get better results. If you want to learn or if you want to improve you need quick solid games and not drawn out battles the way i see it. If you lose, make sure you lose in under 10-15 mins and if you win just kill the other dude.
Without prolonging this for too long, here's the link to the youtube playlist i set up on my account, so feel free to spam away in the comments of the videos or here. I am checking both areas pretty often. Thanks a bunch and I can't wait to get some feedback on them
There are 5 videos, but while writing this I'm also uploading 5 more. Have fun and don't forget to drop a line, may it be "gtfo outta my game", "EZEZEZEZ" or "that's so pro and i want your babies"
Episode 3 games up ! Sorry for the delay, but I was out of town in the weekend and then I had so much work to catch up with that I didn't get the chance to post the games up. Hope you enjoy them and as always, any comments are more than welcome <3
If you have something specific you would like to see (like a specific matchup from a Terran perspective or even if you wish to know something more specific, drop a line here and I'll see what I can do with my limited abilities ). Any form of constructive criticism or any comments are more than welcome <3
I managed to up some more games and starting with tomorrow the quality will be nudged up a little bit more. Games for tomorrow are already saved and everything, yet I can't really upload them just yet (YouTube kinda limits upload rate and such or maybe my ISP is acting up again )
AND I'M BACK! Just like herpes I decided to come yet again and annoy you as much as possible and maybe even help out a person in need or two
This time around I hope I won't be hitting more issues as I finished most of what I had to setup for my PC so you can enjoy games in 1080p and obviously enough the good old 5:4 aspect ratio was dropped for the 16. For the time being I've uploaded 6 new games with more coming today and throughout the weekend if all goes well. As always I hope you enjoy them/ find them somewhat helpful and if you have any questions regarding the games, the strategy or the recordings, drop there either here or YouTube. Thanks a bunch and please comment, share and rate <3
Games games games As always feel free to comment, rate and share and drop any thoughts you might have either here or on the channel Thanks a bunch and enjoy. PS - as a small target for myself, i've decided to aim to get into GM by the end of the year, so let's see if i can get at least close that target
Hellloooo there I'm back for some more awesomeness. I don't like to spam this on a daily basis, but there have been new videos uploaded in the past week as well. So make sure to check them out and as always, commenting, rating and sharing them helps me out in my plan to become epic (it also helps me sleep better at night).
I've added also my first single-player game review and a Full Round from Dota 2 playing the Drow Ranger. If you like that, give that a quick look as well. Drop any feedback you have here or on the channel. Thanks a bunch and enjoy
Back with some more Starcraft 2 games as well as some more Dota 2 games. Any comments are appreciated as well as any tips you might have or requests (ps - i am not getting naked in any of them!)
As always, I don't want to spam this day in and day out, but hhope you guys enjoy my games and if you are into dota 2 then there are plenty of more games of it as well. Make sure to check out, share, rate, comment and any kind of feedback is highly appreciated