Wait, let's start at the beginning.
I have this weird ritual on Friday nights where I like to hang out with friends and get plastered. We dance and sing and have a merry fucking time, inevitably drinking an unreasonably large amount of alcohol. We also stay up into the wee hours of the night, doing fun and often irresponsible things.
The problem here is Starcraft. I love Starcraft, and I enjoy pretending I'm competitive at it. I've participated in God knows how many TL Opens, but I've never made it past the first round. This I like to attribute to my Friday night ritual.
So I'm peeling myself out of my bed at 9:30 am, extremely hungover, in order to get creamed in my first match. Every time. What the hell is wrong with me!?
Is it the love for Starcraft? Is it me being dumb?
This is the drunkest blog post I've posted, that counts for points.
Anyway anyway. I'm somehow awake and ready, extremely hungover, a little drunk, and excited as ever. I'm going to play my match. I'm probably going to lose in the first round, like I have every time. Then, I will repeat next week.
<3 Starcraft.