I know what this is, you know what this is, let’s hit the replays shall we? I have been lazy but this is almost all the games I have played in 1v1 since last time (my have we been lazy?) and the only ones I’m not going to talk about are a cannon rush loss and a game where my opponent dced early in the game
(Z)Zangano vs. (P)Homerjay on Shakuras Plateau
+ Show Spoiler +There are a few things that make me very happy with this game, in fact I almost might call it my best game sadly enough. Unfortunately my Protoss buddy didn’t really do too well and so I feel my opus has been cheated. I didn’t scout the little cannon rush in time, but I feel i reacted to it well. I sacced too many overlords when he was pretty good at sniping my scouts. I didn’t snipe the HTs, and I tried to move with Hydras off creep which likely killed a few of them from the storms. I also should have started +1 ranged attack earlier. I mismicroed a few battles and didn’t engage major parts. I should have gotten spore crawlers. My Nydus was a waste of time. And again I floated minerals like a scrub, more macro hatches and better injects! I do think i transitioned and chose tech well, was probably a bit slow but still good on upgrades and yeah won the game :D
(Z)Zangano vs. (P)Kirkrog on Delta Quadrant
+ Show Spoiler +Probably the most intense game of my life, this ended in a really close base trade. I averaged about 118 APM in this game. In many situations when things got hot I rallied terribly, my ling micro was nonexistant, I attacked when I knew I had too few lings to do anything worthwhile, and at a certain point I think if I had combined an attack with bringing back my Mutas I would have won. Oh well live and learn.
(Z)Zangano vs. (P)Gradden on Xel’Naga Caverns
+ Show Spoiler +I was a tad slow in this game. Multitasking could have been better as well as micro to handle the DTs. I also forgot about the rocks to my third for a while which didnt hurt me as the game moved on, but it could have. I lost too many units to DTs due to lack of micro, and I didn’t make another overseer before pushing which cost me quite a few units.I also stupidly tried to go for a deaht push instead of expanding and getting more ahead.
(Z)Zangano vs. (Z)CitizenSnips on Metalopolis
+ Show Spoiler +I psi capped myself at pool tech, tried to expand when he was being hyper aggressive, and since I lost to this type of play twice I don’t have the best idea on how to handle this and get an expo out. I guess in ZvZ just be aggressive all the time.
(Z)Lex vs. (Z)Zangano on Scrap Station
+ Show Spoiler +again the hyper aggression. I feel I handled it a bit this time and tried to roach through it, but he just did too much damage because I brainf arted and got speed too late then tried to expand, but I think that the solution is in the roaches then expanding and just getting the roaches faster, grabbing some crawlers, and expanding. Not 100% though.
I did a lot of improving since last session. I am much much faster and I am getting into the range that is considered a decent speed. I need to work on my mechanics more and my micro. I also need to settle on openers that I want to settle on.
Hi Tristan,
I'm going to be frank, and i hope that's what you're looking for, why else would you posting replays?
I went through 3 of the 5 games. I'll say this as a very vague statement, you're focusing on the wrong things mate. Reading your write-ups on how you think you could have done better, they're not wrong, but they're not to the point. You're pointing at a cockroach in your room, when there's an elephant in the other corner. Why ignore it?
Overall, i would say your macro (Elephant) is failing you hard. And no, i'm not suggesting building macro hatches. Only ever build macro hatches if you're consistently on 0 (Zero) larvae left but still have loads of resources. You however are pooling both resources and larvae, not building any units for a minute or 4, then all of a sudden spamming lings when an attack comes?
Some questions i feel you need to ask yourself;
Do i have all of my hatches into a control group at all times? Do i know my hot keys for selecting larvae and building every unit on the fly?
If you answer yes to both of those, then a few more questions come up, questions that you should ask yourself regularly in every game;
Am i building units right now (even if you're currently busy micro-ing a bunch of mutas), to the full extent of my economy? If not military units, drones! Are they the right units for my opponents strategy?
Answering just those few questions regularly in your game will improve your play alot.
To some more detailed analysis;
Your scouting, even with the worlds best macro, you'll struggle to win without knowing what the enemy is doing.
In ZvZ, maps like scrap station where you know where your enemy is spawned, and there isn't a half hour rush distance, just overlords is fine. Any other maps may very well require a drone scout also. In PvZ and TvZ, you'll almost always want to drone scout, chances are an overlord will not get to there base before a stalker or marine are out (Anti-Air).
The first Anti-Air for zerg is a queen, may as well keep an overlord in his base until then right?
Perhaps hot key your initial overlord and/or drone so you can double tap the button to go jump the camera straight there, instead of manually moving camera.
You seem to think builds are super important. Yes, they are at higher levels of play. But, at your level, trust me, just better macro will get you so much further. Saying that, i feel you need to understand more of what you're aiming for. Expanding just because you've pooled 1k minerals is counter productive unless you've scouted. Your expanding was 300 minerals that should have been used to hold off this "Hyper agression" you speak of.
One final piece of advice for now, you said you hate ZvZ. Think of it this way. Copy exactly what your opponent is doing, but get an extra drone or 2 in before him. You'll have exactly what he has military wise just 10 seconds later than him. Which, is fine, because he cant get from his base to yours in 10 seconds. Then, as long as you defend properly, you'll be ahead.
If you want to talk more man, hit me up on my steam: Naughtysloth Or email: brandyn_rasmussen@slothgaming.com
Good luck mate. Play hard!