Ah thats fantastic! Amazing read. You've really done well in the field and I can only hope I get that far. Inspiring 
I'm currently in my third year doing animation at a college in Cape Town, South Africa. Funny enough, we have just come out of a MEL scripting lesson and my lecturer mentioned your book! Which is weirdly coincidental. Sadly the industry has died down here alot, the company I was hoping to go to at the end of the year for an internship closed down the other week (Clockwork Zoo) and there are hundreds of experienced, talented animators wandering the streets looking for jobs, which is a very frightening prospect to face after all the money and effort that has gone into this course in the first place. 
On a side note, to all those wanting to get into animation, prepare for long hours of hard work. When I was told it was alot of work I brushed it off lightly thinking high school was alot of work. It was nothing compared to the many all nighters i have pulled since starting this course.
Holy shit fuck. All I can say. Thats plain fucking awesome. And you are a member of TL.net. My view of the world just crashed. :D
Amazing story I knew TL got cool members , but not that cool ! 6 pool plate must scare all the cars around! Love reading people story's , its absolutely stunning what kind of difficulties one must go through to be where he is right now, helps me to work even harder on things i do. Thanks again for sharing this.
Epic Epic plate there LOL
On June 05 2011 13:36 BroOd wrote: Fascinating blog. You mean to tell me a TL member worked on Fast & Furious and we didn't hear about it?!
pfft i think you mean golden compass =P
the polar bear fight was awesome, it's the only movie poster i have in my room, and visually i thought the whole movie was really well done
(not to knock fast and the furious - i haven't seen any after the second one cus it wasn't as good as the first)
Very nice read. Thank you for sharing
I'm really glad I came across this on the frontpage under spotlight. I'm still very young and I've recently been interested in becoming some sort of animator. This has given me a lot of insight on what it's like in the field from one's personal history. Definitely has opened my eyes to people who are at work but aren't necessarily given any credit for it. At the same time, you seem happy and content with just that and I respect that, a lot.
Wow! Great blog. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Quite amazing to hear about such an experience and the roads you've traveled.
Great read! You've had an amazing career. Loved those screencaps and videos.
I think this post is really cool and really interesting, because I think its amazing that I live in Ireland and ive seen most of the movies mentioned that you've worked on and that I have seen your work many times without knowing it... hmm I dunno if that sounds stupoid but whatever.
This was a great read, and that number plate is sick good :D
This was a great read! Sounds like an awesome time and you can be proud of the work you do 
Thanks for sharing!
OMG im also from rhythm and hue xD
Just want to thank you for taking the time to write this blog. I start my course in Computer Visualisation & Animation at Bournemouth University in September, literally can't wait.
What an incredible and inspiring story! Hard to believe that sometimes things just work out :0
Croatia9476 Posts
Minority Report and A.I. are one of my favorite films 
Awesome blog!
Singapore66072 Posts
Wow that was just an amazing read, very exciting life you have led! And to believe you worked on so many classics and movies I and millions of others enjoyed... it is an honor for TL to have you here
fantastic read, you're awesome!
I am a motion graphics / vfx freelancer for about 6 years now and your story is truly inspiring! Was almost as if i was reading my dream come through. But it was your life :D Got any tips for fellow film creators that want to expand their horizon?
On June 05 2011 13:36 BroOd wrote: Fascinating blog. You mean to tell me a TL member worked on Fast & Furious and we didn't hear about it?!
There are quite a few of us who work in film & television that post here 
Very nice blog Mark! Hopefully we run into one another sometime!