I know this may seem not that special to some but for my hundredth post i would like to introduce myself to Teamliquid. I am a 17 year old junior, currently attending high school, I live in Minnesota which can be great some days of the week but most of the time its cold and the Amish just stare at u and you feel very awkward while listening to your ipod. I have been playing RTS games for a little over 10 years. The first RTS game I ever played was the Star-Wars galactic battleground
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TLTzH.jpg)
I then found the greatest game I've, by that time, have ever played. This game was Starcraft: Broodwar. I first heard about this game from my best friends dad. He was a big gamer. He was into dawn of war 40k the miniature version. He let me borrow the disks. Needless to say that i i spent my first full night awake playing the terran single player. I would lan with my older brother for hours. My parents hated it but i, and my brother, loved playing broodwar with each other. He matured in the RTS sene much faster than I did and would be the one using actual builds against me. I only knew how to cannon rush and 2 gate so thats what i did every single game. I played BW for years and years. Until I stopped RTS and played World of Warcraft. I am not ashamed to say it because for those who played for the entirety of the game I am one of you. I was bad but hey I was young XD. I quite W.O.W and moved to xbox360 and modern warfare 1 and 2. I was semi competitive in those games playing on gamebattles with my internetz friends. We did ok, playing against some of the best FPS players in the world. I then was made aware of SC2 and promptly bought it. I was place 99th bronze. I played for 4-5 hours after school and soon was up to rank 4 plat in a matter of 3 months. I stayed in plat up till January when i played a zvt where i nydused all ined ,thanks day9