Hey teamliquiders,
I've got myself rockin two jobs this summer and that means mad cash coming in my way. I have a couple of options ahead of me for purchases this summer, and I was wondering your all's opinion (since the internets is good at giving it lol).
I'm torn between either building my own custom PC ($820 budget build) or just simply buying a new keyboard/mouse combo. If I did the latter, I would probably be purchasing the death adder: http://store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.169416100 and the black widow: http://store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.211324200/categoryId.49136200/parentCategoryId.35156900
My laptop that I play on is capable of playing SC2 at the lowest level, I just want more power to be able to handle streaming and maybe improve my graphics a little bit. On the reverse side, I play on a terrible Zboard from Steelseries (I bought it back when i MMO'd) and a terrible Microsoft mouse. So there are cases to buy either thing. I'd rather stick to one or the other, I guess I could meet half way and get the keyboard + thje computer because the mouse doesn't bother me to much, but I was just curious on everyone else's opinion...which do you value more, computer or mouse/keyboard combo?
Well to be honest the mouse and keyboard aren't really that important, keyboards are preference of feel, but aside from the people who claim that they can't use membrane keyboards after using a mechanical one (which I use) it won't make a difference. Mice might change a tiny bit of performance but not really. I'd rather have a nice computer than a nice mouse and keyboard, If I'm rockin a nice mouse/keyboard on a shit computer it doesn't matter because it wont make a difference
Here's my opinion:
You're going to see a lot more of your money's worth in a PC right off the line than with a keyboard and mouse. A keyboard and mouse won't allow you to run SC2 and a stream, or newer games, or whatever. Buy yourself a nice PC and then get the "comfort" stuff later.
Would you rather have a car with no engine or would you rather have a car that has an uncomfortable seat?
you'll get both eventually!
Hows your monitor look too? cause that's a big thing for me... but otherwise id say the keyboard and mouse will be nice but a brand new build would definatly improve your computing experience (obv). Shop around and if you get excited by a build in your budget i would go for it!
I mean keyboard + mouse can be <$70 total for good products so I say do both.
If your mouse and keyboard are impacting your game performance in how well you can perform, then go that route, otherwise the computer. At an $820 budget however, you can afford to do both as long as you're not looking into buying a new monitor with that budget as well.
agree xmShake
I personally use a Microsoft mouse, but that's because its the greatest thing ever. I also do 1024x768 with all low graphics despite having a really good computer that can play the game on extreme with 120 fps+.
You can get a good gaming computer for 500-600 bucks with mid range hardware that can run sc2 on extreme as long as you already have an OS and monitor.
Try to stray away from the really expensive gaming products.
Imperator, salmosa, microsoft blue, intellimouse 3.0, microsoft wheel mouse optical, kinzu and kinzu are all fair priced mice. Personally have used all of them and prefer the microsoft wheel mouse optical.
keyboards are up to you, i don't suggest using laptop format keyboards, and suggest either a good mechanical keyboard, or just a default keyboard. The mechanical keyboards will not give any sort of real advantage usually.
tough choice, having your game runs smoother is nice but having a good mouse is important, keyboard not so important. If you are willing to buy a new computer why not get a nice mouse with it?
Hope you realize "high-end" keyboards and mice and completely overrated and severely overpriced.
They slap some LEDs or add a few unnoticeable DPIs and charge you 1000% of the price, I've been ripped off once, don't make the same mistake.
i would argue the high end low-ms stuff is infinitely more useful in FPS than RTS.
frankly i feel my investment in a 100$ keyboard is misplaced, same for mouse. but then again, maybe that sort of thing matters to you.
Man Im not sure there is a question of either / or here , 2 jobs, 900 saved up for new pc, save another 200 and change and get both! Aww yea total baller mode.
Use that money on a $600 computer and a 200$ monitor.
You won't regret playing smoothly on high settings at 1080p, trust me. Buy yourself a K120 logitech keyboard. It costs 10$ and feels sturdy and this is coming off someone who has a daskeyboard.
If you feel its important, you can save those extra 50$ buy buying a cheaper HD/ram/case etc. and purchase your deathadder, although i'm reluctant on recommending razor to anyone.
Logitech Mini Optical Mouse < $20? Some random Keyboard Free - $10
Spend rest on computer.
I feel that "gamer" keyboard and mouses don't do shit to really help you anyways, although maybe people would disagree with me. Almost every brood war korean progamer uses Logitech mini optical btw
I would try my best to upgrade your existing computer. Barring an archaic or resricting motherboard changing from say a 2 generations old processor to an i7 will change your life. That can really be said about a lot of things but I do feel like the processor is the core of one.
If you don't have one I'd say get a headset. Thats made my life a whole lot better.
Any good places I should look for a cheaper build, then? I'm down with possibly doing both while getting a cheaper mouse/keyboard if I can find a good cheap build that'll improve my gaming quality of life.
edit: I figure I should include my desires with the system. I want to be able to play SC2 at a reasonably good FPS; I don't particularly care about the quality because I'm playing on low as it is, so anything would be an improvement!
In addition, I want to be able to stream some of my games with good quality.
My resolution is 1194x666 (http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h240/imjorman040991/smug.jpg)
I'd get that PC, but skimp a little on easily upgradeable components (ie GPU, HDD come to mind) and get a better mouse. I play just fine on a Dell OEM keyboard which came with my PC, I feel it is far less important than a good mouse to me.
I do want a Black Widow though, will get when I have the time and money to dedicate to SC2.