Hi guys,
Today, i wanted to talk about using hotkeys as zerg. this is because theres loads of hatcheries which is hard to macro and hard to hotkey. what hot key do you use for hatcheries.
also, zerg has loads and loads of units, so hotkeying units is also very difficult, so what do some of you experienced players do to cope with this?
also how do you actually make an area of the map hotkeyed as like F2 or F3 or something?
thanks for helping, JJ
My hotkey setup is as follows
1 - All hatches 2 -army 3 - army 4 - army 5 - main base queen 6 - natural queen 7 - Creep spreading queen into third base queen 8 - Fourth queen 9 - army overseer 10 - scouting overseer
my hotkey setup is a tad different than the norm. The norm i think is 1,2,3 army 4,5,6,7 hatches
Set all your hatcheries to one hotkey, it's the best way to spend all of your larvae as quickly as possible. As for queens, there are a few ways to go about this, but I think most players have 1 hotkey for each queen so they can easily double tap hotkeys to have the camera focus on the queen and then easily perform injections.
For units, you usually want 3-4 hotkeys depending on unit composition, but it's entirely up to player preference. For example if I go ling baneling muta, I have lings on 1, banelings on 2, and mutas on 3. Once you get more than just a few types of units, it gets hard to have a single hotkey for each unit type, so you should hotkey them based on their purpose, i.e. A-move units (roaches/hydra/lings) on 1 hotkey, casters on another, air units on another.
Of course, different players have different preferences, so do a search and experiment yourself to find the hotkey setup that suits you the best, although I'm pretty sure 99% zerg players have all their hatches on 1 hotkey, and not separate.
Here is my setup 1 - Main army (zerglings, roaches, hydras, ultras) 2 - Scouting overlord into support units (banelings) / secondary army (used for flanking, defend drops, harass expands) / drops 3 - Scouting drone into random drone to build buildings into air units / infestors (I don't use both air and infestors in the same game as both are really gas heavy) 4 - All hatcheries 5 - All queens 6 - Evo chambers 7 - Spire (for upgrades) 8 - Scouting overseer 9-0 - Unused
1-Initial overlord, then later spellcasters 2-Main army (scouting drone beginning game) 3-Banelings/roaches if I have them (drone going to main to expo) 4-nothing (used to be my queens, need to rework it) 5-all hatcheries 6-main hatch 7-natural hatch 8-third hatch 9-nydus worm 0 (rerouted to W)-all queens
I use followin: 1. army 2. army 3. army 4. army 5. all hatches 6. main hatch 7. natural hatch 8. third hatch or nydus  9. scout OV or fourth hatch
I also use camera hotkeys a little, trying to get better on that. I have made the spacebar an alternative hotkey for a camera location which I use for my rallypoint. extremly easy to change whenever you change rally location 0. queens, i also have "W" as an alternative hotkey for "0"
Kinda have a weird setup. But when you start to play a race long enough, you get to realize some keys are more important then say; the hotkey for all warpgates >_>
1-6 is all army (5 and 6 usually being a harassment group) 7 is replaced as "." on numpad and is usually my overseer or until I need it, another army slot. Usually used for harassment 8 is replaced as "-" on the numpad for any special building (IE Nydus) 9 and 0 are replaced as Q and W (Queens and hats respectively) F1-5 are my screen saves (thank god they are back) my backspace button (for looking at ur base) has been changed to a button on my mouse. Quite handy if that's the way you inject.
Of course now the challenge I have is trying to force my ring finger to go on the S key (its usually my middle finer) to better help mass units, army control etc.... Might also end up using the tab key as a hotkey in the future once I have my ring finger naturally going to the S key.