A couple of minutes ago, a buddy of mine under the SC2 character name of Markpwnable and I played two custom games with a couple of conditions: NO MUTALISKS and NO SCRAP STATION!
The first match was on Metalopolis and he rolled out a Protoss since he is playing Random. My play was sloppy as hell that I delayed my expansion by 2 minutes because I made a lot of Zerglings by accident which then resulted in killing me with a 1 base Collossus strategy.
Second match was on Xel'Naga Caverns (possibly the favorite map of most Starcraft players, I believe) and this time it was a ZvZ. Again my play was sloppy since I delayed my expansion a little bit and my reactions were not as sharp due to me being a bit sleepy. As a result, he got an expansion ahead of me, though I managed to build one myself. I poked around to see what he is doing and I just amassed my forces. Since I cannot use Mutalisks, I decided to work on making roaches, infestors, hydralisks and ultralisks. It took me long enough to realize that one of his Overlords was near the watchtower I was scouting. Since I got an Overlord of my own to generate creep, I made a spore crawler to take it out.
In the end, we both attacked each other which ended up as a base race, though he made the first move since he got a Nydus Network, the only structure I barely touch as Zerg. Because of that, he managed to take out my base first before his, then we faced off against each other and since I made good use of my Infestors Fungal Growth, my army still lives on. After the 30 min mark, Markpwnable surrendered in the end. It was good clean fun and I would be happy to play some matches with him and some other buds of mine soon. Thinking of going for 2v2s or a funny game of Aiur Chef. Hard to decide. :/