I'll start off from the beginning I bought SC2 when it first came out played a little bit but not much in S1 I think I had about 20 or 30 wins and maybe 50 games played total. I was playing alot of wow until Season 2 came out. Wow became way to boring and unbalanced so I decided to come back to SC2. I saw team liquid when I was searching for sc2 forums to try to get started I came across the TSL and was hooked.
I now have 135 wins in 1v1 this season and am rank 1 bronze. Yes I know its only bronze but its a start I have been watching alot of streams and also Day9's newbie tuesdays to try to improve my gameplay and it is helping to an extent, but I feel like I'm getting stuck and am not really advancing at a rate at which I would like.
I'm creating this blog because I am looking for a possible mentor or coach to talk to on skype and watch me stream games or review replays to try and help me figure out better timings/build orders. I can take constructive critisizm but I don't need poeple who are going to tell me I suck and shit because I know that, I'm in bronze which means I make all kinds of mistakes. I don't have much money because I work part time and go to college. I don't want to buy lessons from pros because I don't think that it would benefit me as I'am still learning the basics and the major mechanincs and what counters what and so on. I have read most of the guides on the Sc2 strat forum on TL.net and as good as those are with my learning style it helps to talk things out and find why the other guy did this or that.
On to my goals and aspirations, I dont plan on becoming the next White-Ra but I would like to be able to goto MLG and experiance what it is like to play with the pros and in front of alot of people. I would also like to compete in local or online tournaments and possibly win some money.
Well thats about it for the first post, I will be updating this blog hopefully every tues it might be mon or wed depending on work and school. Oh I forgot to mention that I play Protoss and am on the NA server.
If you have an questions comments or advice you can hit me up here or ingame at Stryker 172 P.S my grammer is not very good and I apoligize for that
You should post some of your favorite replays! I assume you play protoss since you mentioned white ra, so do I, although I am a long way from being as good as him to. I'm not good enough to coach anyone, but I would be more then happy to analyze some replays and give some advice, or just play a few games on Bnet with you. Now that PvP doesn't suck so hard maybe it will actually be fun 
For me, getting out of bronze was all about mechanics and just mass gaming. once you have a solid, efficient build, you will be able to roll over most people in bronze/silver/gold.
Send me a PM if you want to play some games, i should be available for part of tonight 
Did you ever add your name to the find a practice partner thread? because that's the only reason i can think of why you would already be on my friends list.
I have goose bumps now.
I wouldn't say that I'm good enough to be a coach by any means, but if you want a practice partner I'm down. We could look at each other's play and try to find the errors.
toss me a msg ingame if you want to pratice
Improving anything comes from developing imagination, reason, will, intuition, perception, and/or memory. If you feel like you are not improving rapidly, you should probably get more perceptions of how to play the game. A good start may be to take a build order or strategy and find five different ways to perceive it. Then you can use reason to come up with overall thoughts regarding the strategies and imagination can bring the thoughts together to formulate ideas. When you don't use perception and you only get a couple viewpoints you're probably doing the same things everyone else is doing. This means you will probably get the same results as everybody else. I think this is presently one of your biggest problems from what I read in your post.
On May 19 2011 07:10 tryummm wrote: Improving anything comes from developing imagination, reason, will, intuition, perception, and/or memory. If you feel like you are not improving rapidly, you should probably get more perceptions of how to play the game. A good start may be to take a build order or strategy and find five different ways to perceive it. Then you can use reason to come up with overall thoughts regarding the strategies and imagination can bring the thoughts together to formulate ideas. When you don't use perception and you only get a couple viewpoints you're probably doing the same things everyone else is doing. This means you will probably get the same results as everybody else. I think this is presently one of your biggest problems from what I read in your post.
That is definatly something I haven't considered you seem very wisdomus
I'll offer you some coaching once I hit masters! ^^ I'm only diamond right now.
Well guys I'm not working this weekend so I plan to hit the ladder hard. I started a couple hours ago and am 10-11 so far still rank 1 in bronze but am getting quite frusterated, if anyone wants to play tonight hit me up. I can use all the practice I can get.
Am I the only one that thought about the rapture when this was posted?
Well since the world hasn't ended yet I guess I can ladder and play some SC2. Let me know if you want to play at all, Hobbs message me again and I'll play with you tonight or tomorrow. I will be getting a stream up in the next couple days so that everyone can watch me in my struggle to advance. Thanks to everyone that has helped me so far I hope I can keep get the great support in the future