Kibbit, Blasterion, Phyrexi, Dachef, curly and Zow got eating Pho and shabu shabu.
jpak, MakTemplar and jindesu in the back
Phyrexi will ninja snipe the bill if you aren't careful this guy paid for all of us during dinner at IEM last time and that was a full restaurant of us.
Darclite, Kiwi, Lowkontrasrt and FateAvernus
Reborn posing for the camera
Dhaslim and Blast
Dhaslim brought us clappers to annoy the other people in the store. Korea Air one of my favorite Osls, the finals is what made it epic
Blast being a Blast
I messed up the focus in this pic Dhaslim got focused on in the front lol
What Reborn thought of the finals
My thoughts on the finals: + Show Spoiler +
Inca knew that if he tried to do a 3 gate expand he would have gotten out macroed and out played so he decided to exploit Nestea's late gas timings by varying his dt timings which would have worked on a lesser player but Nestea was very prepared for this.
I will be at the TSL finals party and the after party this sunday