I cannot decide what race i want to play at all, and i don't really want to play random as i would like to stick with one race and play with one race.
i am asking for advice, what race do you guys play and why? Have you ever had this problem ! Have you got over it? 
Thanks very much!
I played over 2200 games as random, and I think I've finally found my mojo. Zerg, because it fits my macro style best.
for me what has worked well is just choosing a race, i went terran, then not being scared to offrace heavily in team games. even if its just the the random team 2s 3s and 4s, you can use them to try out the different match ups and mechanics.
this way if you decide you dont like terran, the switch to a new race is easier on you, and you have vast experience of both sides of the fence when whining about imba stuff
Yeah choose one and play it for a week and then see if you want to switch. If you're anything like me you'll be changing your mind all the time, but nobody can tell you the best race because there isn't one.
be asian i heard you get really good math skills.
but seriously pick zerg son. most rewarding race to play.
I don't think anyone should tell you which race to pick... it should be a matter of you playing each one over and over again until you realize that you really like one over the others, or are really comfortable playing with one over the others.
There's certainly nothing wrong with staying at random for a while
The choice is yours, and yours alone! Good luck!
United States10034 Posts
just random like a billion times just get the feel of every matchup. find one that you like and why. then practice it. if you dont like it, then switch. that's what i did and i loved terran. then i switched to zerg for some reason, but didn't liek the mechanics of it. now im toss, and staying until some1 makes me switch xD
but dont let anyone influence you. if you like a specific unit A LOT, then mabe lean toward that race (unless that unit happens to be like a scout which no one uses xD)
BTW: what game? sc1 or sc2?
Russian Federation4405 Posts
Play Zerg and Starcraft: Brood War.
Zerg is water: You become an ocean and absorb attacks then wash and drown your opponents. Terran is earth: They are versatile creatures...Like turtles... Protoss is air: They are space fairies on steroids
I'm a turtle
I started BW as Terran. Because I liked making a lot of bunkers, and turtling while my opponents threw crap at me. Turns out that doesn't work on ICCUP..... So I learned how to play.
After a few hundred games, I decided to switch to Zerg. The reason I switched was because I felt like Terran wasn't suiting my newly-changed playstyle as well as it could have. I went from being someone who liked to turtle, to being someone who liked to be in my opponent's face all the time. I figured that Zerg allowed me to do that a lot better than T did. A few hundred games as Z ensued, and I got my highest rank on ICCUP at the time with them, shortly after my switch.
I then played a bit of off-race as P, once in a while. Scouts are fun to use, contrary to what everyone else says. Granted, I never played anyone higher than D as Protoss.....
When SC2 came out, I felt that T would allow me to be in my opponents face all the time. I came up with a 2 port strategy that is similar in use to the 1/1/1 strats used. I relied on tech and maneuverability of those units. After people started to go for 1/1/1 style builds, I changed, and went something more like a FD opening from BW - expand behind a small push at a timing before their tech/fast expo has paid for itself. It's relatively safe, and allowed me to get into the later stages of the game.
But it didn't satisfy my need to be in my opponent's face all the time..... I'm a macro oriented player, but I like to be aggressive at the same time. It's hard to explain.....
So after a few hundred games of T (a bit after the beta finished), I switched to Z. I still played T now and then, but I mainly played as Z. I found it suited my playstyle better. Muta/ling is the shit. I just hate ZvZ.
After a few hundred games, I decided to give P a go in some 2v2. I gotta say, forcefields are soooooo fucking cool to use. So I think that when I get back into playing 1v1 (I haven't played for over a month now, and I really don't feel like playing either), then I'm going to start going Random. I don't have a clue how to play as P, except I know how to abuse the shit out of forcefields, so I've probably got a lot of learning to do.
So I'm the exact opposite of you. I can't pick a race, but I gave it a shot and it didn't work. So I want to play Random.
once you go black you never go back or so I've heard...
I started with roughtly 1500 Random games before choosing zerg. That many isn't necessary though. maybe like 50-100 random then pick 1.
I play Terran, because my roommate plays Terran, and I watched him play a lot of games before I bought SC2 myself. It seemed the easiest to play a race I was already familiar with.
What are you goals for SC2? What league are you in? If you're just playing for fun (which is what most people do), just play whatever race you have the most fun with. It probably won't even hurt to still play random, if that's the most fun for you. The only reason to pick a race and stick with it is if you are trying to be really competitive and learn match-ups for tournaments and the like.
If you still feel like you need to pick a race, maybe you could try playing each race exclusively for a week or two, and then settle on whatever felt the best.
As a BW T - i still random. I would play Z but i'm with WhiteRa: they're "bugs".
I really enjoyed the static D and leapfrog pushing of T coupled with the variation of TvZ micro, even TvT was quite fun + Show Spoiler +Damn the FBH game today was boss .
SC2 TvP/T *can* be played the way i like it but it's far from the most successful route to take - multipronged drop play is way more favored and marauders (such a boring unit) are unavoidable.
Stick to random yo - see what you like. Or just pick protoss. Once PvP is "fixed" i think it'll be the most fun race to play. Atm i wanna tear my hair out when i get back to back PvP's or i'd prolly play Toss as main race.
I play Terran because they fit my style.
My choice was very easy - I picked terran even before the game came out.
On May 09 2011 23:40 apalemorning wrote: be asian i heard you get really good math skills.
but seriously pick zerg son. most rewarding race to play. generally terran is considered the hardest & most apm intensive race to start with
I like lasers and spaceships. My choice has always been pretty obvious.
Russian Federation4405 Posts
tbh I chose zerg because i liked to be weird. :D Then I found out that they also fit my character with their typical playstyle.