So, that said, hi! I'm Velinath, a relatively new member on TL who's been lurking around for a few months. I really didn't play a lot of serious RTS before SC2 rolled around, mainly just Age of Empires 2 and Rise of Nations, neither particularly intensively or online. I also played a little bit of War3 with some friends, but never really got into laddering - I just didn't feel like I was very good at it, heh.
When SC2 rolled around, I was pretty excited. I had heard a lot about BW from a few friends who played, and since I had always held a special place in my heart for RTS games, i figured SC2 would be a good place to start really playing seriously. I managed to get into the open beta (not that it was difficult), and started with Terran - and then proceeded to reaper rush for ALL of open beta as well as my placement matches and a few early 1v1s in 1.0, where I ended up getting placed in Bronze. After a while of doing this and only this in 1v1s, I decided it would be best to take a break - and during this break, I ended up going to Blizzcon. While there, I saw the FruitDealer vs SlayerSBoxeR showmatch - and that really just reignited my drive to play semi-competitively on the ladder. I actually ended up switching race to Zerg, played out the season, and then got into Silver early this season after unlearning a few bad habits.
Basically, I started this blog to maybe talk about how I've been doing on the ladder - or, more often, give my opinion on amazing tournament matches (of course, I had to start posting the day AFTER NesTea's epic game 5). I hope you enjoy reading, and please feel free to leave feedback! I'm always open to becoming a more constructive blogger.
Oh, yeah, and I livestream my ladder games sometimes too. My twitter account is , so keep an eye out for when I stream (Probably not for a couple weeks, though - my halfway-decent computer has been out of commission for a month or so now, waiting on new motherboard to ship).