He thinks it is the worst race? Why play it? - Page 2
Blogs > Docta Spaceman |
Korea (South)785 Posts
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Bahrain5288 Posts
I say he's a masochist. | ||
Canada554 Posts
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United States755 Posts
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deathly rat
United Kingdom911 Posts
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396 Posts
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Canada6002 Posts
On May 05 2011 06:01 ExquisiteRed wrote: Why did you neeed to make a blog about this, he has answered this question many times. Or you could have just used comon sense to deduce that 1) It would take a long time (months and months) to good enough with another race to be competitive and 2)There's always the chance that blizzard fixes something and then he'd just have just switched for nothing. didn't he say that a few months ago? he would've profited from switching. then again Terran was probably OP back then | ||
United States3481 Posts
Its nothing but ego. He wants to feel like he's superior, and that he's just getting held-back because the powers-that-be haven't figured it out, yet. | ||
United States1293 Posts
On May 05 2011 04:38 NoobSh1t wrote: IdrA has honestly answered this question a million times.... Go do some research before making a thread about it. Blizzard will eventually patch zerg, so why would he switch races and have to put a TON of time into learning this new race? He's waiting it out, it's better. This is what idrA has stated multiple times /thread As well as him saying Zerg fits his playstyle more than T or P. Can't believe so many noobs don't realize this. | ||
Montenegro10532 Posts
The way he perceives "imbalance" or, recently, "bad game design" makes it impossible to reason with him on the subject. If he sees balance issues in Brood War after over a decade of it being a professional esport played on a very high level, no matter which game you have him play, he will find balance issues in it as well. It's in the nature of many gamers to perceive every game problem that they don't know how to solve as a balance issue. Here are 3 basic steps in Idra's imbalance logic: 1) Describe the latest gameplay problems of his race. 2) State that he doesn't know how to solve these problems. 3) Declare imbalance. 4) Challenge anyone who disagrees to solve the problems. He literally makes an instant jump from "I/We/You don't know how to deal with this" to "it's impossible/unfair". I guarantee you that he will NEVER be happy with the state of the game balance-wise (not in this game, not in any other game). Even if he switched race to Protoss, the moment Zergs find a way to deal with Protoss late game maxed army or a patch comes out and the moment current Protoss standards (which are really bad by the way) stop working, he will once again declare imbalance as he will see no way Protoss can keep up in economy while turtling, or whatever. Ultimately, his idea that you should be able to play Starcraft completely "safely" without paying for that safety (by ether having a bad economy or being unable to do any aggression or scout) will never be implemented in the game, because it is contrary to Starcraft principles. | ||
Canada4525 Posts
Edit: I also want to point out: On May 05 2011 06:36 Talin wrote: 1) Describe the latest gameplay problems of his race. 2) State that he doesn't know how to solve these problems. 3) Declare imbalance. 4) Challenge anyone who disagrees to solve the problems. He literally makes an instant jump from "I/We/You don't know how to deal with this" to "it's impossible/unfair". If you listen to that podcast again it never really gets heated, but Idra asks two simple questions of Day9; how can Zerg scout efficiently in the early game (when Protoss and Terran can) AND/OR if they can't obtain that intel, how can Zerg defend efficiently without it being at best 50/50 (especially since they cannot wall-in). I KNOW that nobody can answer this question, or they would be already a wildly successful Zerg to which there are currently none (Idra admits he won IPL since it was filled with very weak players - the only competitors were Kiwi and Select pretty much). Day9 could not answer it plain and simple, I love Day9, but biases aside he at best said we need to approach it from different angles. As one-sided as Idra is, I'm more tended to agree with a progamer than a theorycrafter. | ||
Germany2413 Posts
On May 05 2011 03:38 Docta Spaceman wrote: [...] But while he was talking to Sean about balance and whatnot (which I enjoyed for the first 3 minutes or so before it got a little less friendly and less productive)[...] For the discussion's sake, how could you not enjoy the last part of the IdrA-Day[9]-argument? I thought it was absolutely productive showing that IdrA made some points that Day[9] could not address. It's like we finally know that (at least the members of SotG) can't argue with him other than ridicule him or saying "the game is young" (which again, doesn't contradict any of IdrA's points). Call me a fanboy (I am). But I just love those moments in discussions when the one side has pushed the other side in a corner, displaying that there's no arguing about a certain point. You never get to see that in politics =) edit: oh yeah, and what the poster above me said! | ||
Docta Spaceman
United States74 Posts
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Docta Spaceman
United States74 Posts
On May 05 2011 04:38 NoobSh1t wrote: IdrA has honestly answered this question a million times.... Go do some research before making a thread about it. Blizzard will eventually patch zerg, so why would he switch races and have to put a TON of time into learning this new race? He's waiting it out, it's better. This is what idrA has stated multiple times /thread I'm not asking why he chose Zerg. I'm asking why pros often view their race as UP. As Idra described last night, the problems he sees with Zerg are not balance related, but rather a 'fundamental game-design problem.' Not that roaches are too weak, or that Ultras are useless, or any of that nonsense, but rather a fundamental problem with Zerg DESIGN, related to early scouting and early aggression. He explained that last night on SOTG. He knows, just like everyone else, that Blizz can't just patch that. So he isn't waiting for Blizzard to patch Zerg. He knows its a problem that can't be changed. Blizzard can't patch that problem without creating a new game. But I don't know why I'd even go into that, as this isn't even related to what I'm talking about in the OP. | ||
Docta Spaceman
United States74 Posts
On May 05 2011 05:39 o3.power91 wrote: Idra took the race he thought the most disadvantaged in BW. He did so again in SC2. He likes complaining about both yet still plays them. I say he's a masochist. But did he pick the race because he thought it was weak, or did he think the race was weak after playing it for a long time? I think it's the latter, and I'm wondering why that occurs with many professionals. | ||
Docta Spaceman
United States74 Posts
On May 05 2011 06:01 ExquisiteRed wrote: Why did you neeed to make a blog about this, he has answered this question many times. Or you could have just used comon sense to deduce that 1) It would take a long time (months and months) to good enough with another race to be competitive and 2)There's always the chance that blizzard fixes something and then he'd just have just switched for nothing. Because I never asked that question. I'm actually asking a legitimate question, which I wish you had read. I wish we could have a discussion about what I asked and throw out the statements of "Blizz will patch it so why switch" which is clearly not compatible with what Idra said last night on SOTG. | ||
Docta Spaceman
United States74 Posts
On May 05 2011 07:11 Spekulatius wrote: For the discussion's sake, how could you not enjoy the last part of the IdrA-Day[9]-argument? I thought it was absolutely productive showing that IdrA made some points that Day[9] could not address. It's like we finally know that (at least the members of SotG) can't argue with him other than ridicule him or saying "the game is young" (which again, doesn't contradict any of IdrA's points). Call me a fanboy (I am). But I just love those moments in discussions when the one side has pushed the other side in a corner, displaying that there's no arguing about a certain point. You never get to see that in politics =) edit: oh yeah, and what the poster above me said! Well, I thought that ultimately their points begin to boil down to two different things. From how I saw it, Idra's point came down to him believing that there was a fundamental game design fly, while Day9 was saying that eventually, everything will come to a balanced state. Those statements aren't contradictory, so the discussion wasn't that great. They were arguing about different things that were based on judgments on each other's assumed views. But it was something we rarely get to see- a professional gamer debating with the thought hammer. The fact that it happened was great, but I thought they weren't really on the same level. | ||
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