I'll say that many times, at least in my case many many times, for example I was having troubles in PvT it was just getting hard and harder every time and I was like man why I keep doing it wrong, either I didn't build the right unit composition or i was rushed, bad timing attacks, or attack and lost everything

So today i was practicing by myself and suddenly a friend from TL ask me if i wanted to practice and I said "sure I need help with PvT" and so we did, FYI I'm just gold in china server and my friend is diamond.
The first game was insane!!! insane!!!! like 30 min long i had DT HT VR Z S 3bases 3-1-0 upgrades i was on fire but lost, but it was one of those games that even if you lose you feel happy with yourself
The second game we attack the bases at the same time but I didn't have any anti-air and he had banshees and lost

Third game I played the best i could i went 3g Robo with a fast colossi i catch him going to my base and killed his army and i still had mine and I expand and counter attack and won…
I was like WOOOOOOW!!!!!!! I won, actually I might be getting better :^D
He might be doing a sloppy BO but still I played how I needed to play and win :^D
And for that I'm HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!
PS. all of this is thxs to Day[9] and TL if it wasn't for both, I would be shearing my happiness with all of you guys :^P <3