I know he doesnt remember me but we had such an epic match on Python (he T, me P) and my nickname is ReZuya. It was like me on 5 bases versus him ohn 2 but epic nonetheless, and I chatted a bit with him and it was just awesome to meet a celebrity lol.
2. Iccup shizzle?
How do you do things on iccup like seeing the stats of another person, or PM then? Is there somewhere where I can read these things?
3. I just love BW more and more
So I've been watching it about 3.5 years and I love it more and more, and I recently started playing serious (2 games a day on iccup LOL) and I'm a d+ Protoss! And whenever I win I feel happy, and whenever I lose I feel awesome. Wanna know why? When I lose, I ALWAYS learn something, like better probe production, or dealing with harassment or think about expanding faster and these kind of things. And I really do believe that my knowledge of professional BW has helped me a lot, really. So I love BW and I hope it will live forever cause what else am I gonna watch after I come home from a fucked up school day lol
4. wtf?
seriously wtf, who cares about the royal wedding? It's just, agh dont get me started. I'm not an anarchist or something but damn what is all the fuzz about.
5. I recently found out one of my friends is gay, he told me. And i thought it was fucking awesome cause now I have a gay-buddy lol
6. I'm gonna see fast five soon and I'm pumped for it, but moviebob (from the escapist) tells me not to.. still gonna see it though :D carssss!
Well that was about it.
oh yeah, I'm super glad people are still streaming BW and it is just awesome to see streamuuu, so shoutout to all the streamers, in particular: Siz)beggar, Sayle (:D), zergneedsfood, npnl.fedor (although he hasnt been streaming lately) and ofcourse people I forgot to mention are always in my heart <3