Dont you hate when you are playing one match really cool and you win and then because of the rush you play a second one and then you win again and you are all exited because you're on fire and your are playing laddering up but in the next game suddenly your keys dosent work… and you are like wtf you click ctrl 1 and it dosent work and you click again and still dosent work, and you satrt messing up your BO and when you least expected you're being zerling rush… and you just gg and calm your self… you think hey maybe its the hotkeys or something like that… you check and everything seems fine… so you go into the next game… @#$% it dosent work again and you say ok I can do this just focus, but you find it really difficult to not use you ctrl groups, but you hold on, and hold on, miss some probes and some GW cycles but you hold and then Marines start coming to your base, and you hold of the first then you misclick the FF in your ramp and they come and come and come and you try to use your groups but dosent work and you start frustrating… and eventually you lose.
You say ok 1 more, you enter a custom game to not lose more matches in your ladder and NOW it works FINE and you're like FUUUUUUUU and then you start getting really mad and… and… and…
What should you do to calm your self? 1. Throw something 2. Hit the bed 3. Scream 4. Nothing
What do you sugest to do?
It happened to me this weekend. I just took a break, and read a book. That worked for me. Then again, I don't think I was nearly as mad.
Get a pillow(seriously). Punch that pillow, scream into it, throw it around, then queue up again
I would consider not being involved in a certain hobby if it makes you feel like this. However, perfectly normal in today's society to feel like this about your job ^^
That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA
+ Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
On April 28 2011 00:53 Saechiis wrote:That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA + Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
Damn I was not expecting that hahaha
@OP: Chill out, it's not that big of a deal when you lose. It really sucks because it was due to something out of your control but just shrug it off and talk to some guinea pigs.
Russian Federation327 Posts
What do you sugest to do? buy new keyboard
On April 28 2011 00:53 Saechiis wrote:That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA + Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
Best anger managment tactic EVER!!
BRB...going to the nearest pet shop.
On April 28 2011 00:53 Saechiis wrote:That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA + Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
Anyways... I think something to let the anger out is good. Day9 talked about this in one of his dailies. Get a stress ball and squeeze it and burn off that rush, then take a few minutes to relax yourself, then have another go.
Last night I was playing and kept miffing my hotkeys. I was getting so pissed. I'd be trying to micro my mutas and all of the sudden my queens were half way across the map and my hateries were rallied all over the place. I was like WTF. It's so frusturating.
FBGM. If that doesn't work I suggest smoking weed before hand so you just chill out bro. It's a game, if you lose 10 games today that doesn't mean the 10 games tomorrow will be losses.
Doing nothing would be the solution, I can tell you it is extremely hard to stay chill in a situation like that. But punching or screaming can only make it worse.
You should probably go looking for a new keyboard...
On April 28 2011 00:53 Saechiis wrote:That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA + Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
LOL. EPIC!! I want to get guinea pigs now!
Don't vent; catharsis doesn't work. If venting makes you feel better, it just reinforces the anger response, making you more likely to be angry again in similar situations. If it doesn't make you feel better, then it's also useless.
If I get really pissed off and feel compelled to put my fist through my desk/wall/monitor/keyboard/ababy'sface/etc I turn on the shower and put my head under cold water. It makes me a lot calmer and I realize that I can't afford to replace my equipment.
Also relevent (TLDR The removal of physical pain = removal of emotional pain therefore putting yourself through pain and then removing that physical pain will essentially remove your emotional pain (EG from getting 4 gated lolz) Just don't cut yourself over losing rofl)
When the keys don't work, alt-tab out and then in again, should revert itself. Don't worry, SC2 angers me too. Bang the desk, the keyboard. The neighbors below me say they'll call the police if I don't quiet down.
On April 28 2011 00:53 Saechiis wrote:That's why I have guinea pigs *MUHAHAHAHA + Show Spoiler +I pet them and talk to them in a condescending tone " That guy was a cheesy noob wasn't he [insert cute guinea pig name abbreviation]?" Then when it looks at me like " WTF dood, I'm just here for the lettuce" I say " yeaah, he WAS a cheesy noob!" and continue happily on with my day 
I always prefer petting my cat while telling it how rediculously overweight it is. Oh well, to each their own.