Am I the only one who's really annoyed by the nonstop usage of the word trolling?
Sarcrastic joke - haha, you're trolling me! Ironic joke - haha, you're trolling me! Hyperbole joke - haha, you're trolling me! Simple making fun of the other guy joke - haha, you're trolling me!
Where did this plague come from? I can't remember reading a funny topic/post here at TL without someone talking about trolling.. last examples would be hotbid's interview and poll. And I'm not even mentioning non-joke situations like - A: i think XYZ; B: trolling? it's obviously MNO..etc.
It's seriously getting worse than this.
Chill, we need your help!
This started happening in my high school within the last 2 months actually... it seriously pisses me off. Dumb underclassmen ~.~
I remember reading it.. unfortunately it got significantly worse since that post, unlike the metagame word
On April 25 2011 07:32 Puosu wrote: u trollin??
Reported, expect a PM from intrigue soon!
It's freaking awful.
The worst is when you're arguing with someone, and they just say "stop trolling".
On April 25 2011 07:32 Puosu wrote: u trollin??
you lucky bastard, having no report button!
seriously, I think there should be a banling who would be focussed only on users who use word trolling and ban all of them. I'd gladly do that.
I think "troll" generally has been bastardized to the point of meaning something along the lines of purposeful fooling/"messing with" others, i.e. someone trolling me is messing with me. :|
United States24513 Posts
Before intrigue I had made a similar thread with similar results LOL
Yeah it's annoying.
Sweden5554 Posts
On April 25 2011 07:36 Z3kk wrote: I think "troll" generally has been bastardized to the point of meaning something along the lines of purposeful fooling/"messing with" others, i.e. someone trolling me is messing with me. :|
That's what it's always meant. synonyms includes amongst many other's anger, rile and antagonize. Although I guess it always meant doing these things in a bit of a covert manner.
Turns out, language is defined by consensus. Words only have meanings because groups of people collectively understand them to, and those meanings can and do evolve.
When arrhythmic, non-rhyming verse is defined as "poetry," that's language evolving.
When television advertisements are defined as "commercials," that's language evolving.
And, as it turns out, when attempting to elicit a response is defined as "trolling," that's just language evolving too.
At the end of the day, if someone says a word, and most people understand the word to mean roughly the same thing, that's what the word means.
There's no real set "definition" for troll, so it's bound to be misused. But yeah, it does annoy the crap out of me whenever it's used :[
On April 25 2011 08:24 FetusFondler wrote: There's no real set "definition" for troll, so it's bound to be misused. But yeah, it does annoy the crap out of me whenever it's used :[
Actually there kind of is. That's the problem.
I always thought trolling was brought over from fishing.
If that's true, all trolling is is trying to get you to take the bait and create a response, so all the examples you listed in your OP can be considered trolling; it's such a loose term for human interactions because getting someone to laugh at a preconceived joke can be considered as "taking the bait" and doing what the joker wants you to do.
I think malicious trolls are the more "correct" type of troll because a fish taking the bait is screwed, and a person arguing with a malicious troll is getting screwed with, both in a negative way.
That's my take anyways.
On April 25 2011 07:31 synapse wrote: This started happening in my high school within the last 2 months actually... it seriously pisses me off. Dumb underclassmen ~.~ You upperclassmen too :<
United States10328 Posts
On April 25 2011 07:32 Puosu wrote: u trollin??
smart alecks reportin'
"troll" is definitely overused
but these are the internets! everyone is trolling duh
classic XD
seriously though, that word does get overused
On April 25 2011 07:26 ondik wrote: Am I the only one who's really annoyed by the nonstop usage of the word trolling? Yeah, it's really annoying and I read it all the damn time. Really want to avoid that but people write it in all kinds of threads.
Maybe all the people misusing the word are trolling you O.O
+ Show Spoiler +jk I also think the the word misused and overused.