Being a scholar of Japanese literature and language, I'm already accustomed to the demands that learning a language at a competent level present. It takes time, a wide focus, consistency in study and, most importantly dedication to the subject matter.The pay off is of course that you can be a full adult in a whole new place of the world, and have access to a treasure trove of new information.
As I gathered resources and considered my own studies of Japanese and how to draw parallels and lessons from my personal experience, I realized that even with my history it would be an incredible challenge to do alone. Finding new dictionaries, new texts, new places to start was both incredible and frightful, and I looked forward to the hours I could spend in these preparatory stages alone.
But then I re-watched the Highlander.
And thought to myself
Do you KNOW what happens when you cut off an immortal's head? Fucking lightning:
How much bran do you have to eat to shit lightning?
And you get all their strength and their knowledge, so of course you also get their language abilities, which has GOT to be easier than studying my ass off for four years before I can ask some asshole on the train where the closest brothel is. The trouble of course, is finding a Korean immortal and whacking their head off. Sure, we can go to Korea, rent a car, buy a sword and give it the ole' college try, but there surely must be a more efficient means.
Then I thought, hey, Seoul has a lot of people, with twice the population density of New York:
So dense you have to walk piggy-back style
And what's the first thing EVERYONE thinks about when they see a busy street?
See where I'm goin' with this?
Rent one of these silly bastards and you'll be ready to farm every street in the country for immortals! Hell, since you'll be ripping them to shreds, there will be even MORE surface area for the knowledge-lighting to come out and zap your ignorant ass.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Random internet guy, why don't you just go the "Temple of Doom" route and just eat a Korean person's heart?"
That is a stupid fucking question. We all know "Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom" is a fictitious movie for entertainment purpose and that "The Highlander" is a documentary which gives us incredible insight to the world. For instance, did you know Sean Connery was Spanish?
Sean Connery is definitely Spanish according to the Highlander