I was sitting at my PC last night watching some SC2 replays when I suddenly got a craving to start playing Brood War again. I quickly uninstalled SC2 so I don't get distracted, and furiously started practicing some Terran builds I remembered my friends using (1 Rax FE, Siege Expand and 2fact Vultures). Is it strange I haven't really jumped on the SC2 boat like so many others? I've always liked BW more than SC2, I just find it really quite boring for some reason. I can see how people love it, but it just can't compete when you put it next to Brood War.
The first thing I noticed was that even though I haven't played seriously in two and a half years I was a lot quicker and my macro, while still in it's extremely basic stages, was insanely better than it was when I used to play. I put it down to the fact that I really didn't have any idea what I was doing back when I first started, I never really used any specific builds or hotkeys ect... I actually used to think hotkeys were inconvenient.
The most important thing I've done tonight is set myself a goal, that goal is "To be at least D+ rank by the end of this year". I understand that it's a little unrealistic, but having a goal is a positive thing and, hopefully it's going to push me to get better and work harder when it comes to playing and studying the game.
Over the next couple of weeks I can only see myself trying to get the builds I have been practicing down, I really don't expect to be an amazing player overnight so just baby steps for the moment. Once I feel comfortable I guess the next step is to start playing real opponents on iCCup or maybe just some friendlies with other TL posters, which I'm already quite nervous about. Last time I was playing on iCCup back in 2009 I think I went 2-35, which is pretty bad but hey, two wins is better than nothing, right?
That's really about it for the moment, like I said earlier, I really don't expect to become an amazing player overnight but I really plan on working hard to become a better player in time, using this great community to it's full potential and maybe even making some friends along the way. This blog is for my own benefit so I can track my progress and mindset as time goes on, hopefully whoever gives it a read will find some enjoyment by coming with me on this journey.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/W0ule.jpg)