I'm gonna make this blog expecting about 3 followers, at the most, 2 of them friends of mine.... i would be very happy about more than that tho.
This blog will be about my quest to get into master's league as random, 1v1 obviously. Currently i'm in bronze league, don't really have any practice partners, haven't played a whole lot of random, and am overall pretty far from a good player. When i do play my best i can generally beat even the top players in bronze, but i keep making stupid little mistakes, as i guess can be expected from someone who hasn't played sc in a long time before getting sc2 and only played about 200 games since. I will keep playing protoss in 2v2 since i don't think it would be fair to a random ally to play a race that i have played a total of like 10 league games as, none of them in team matches.
So to summarize I will try to get into master's league playing random and i will try to document the journey there.
Right now my best race is protoss, I have fairly good macro, not that great mechanics and almost non existing micro. i don't get supply blocked too often, i get a good amount of units out fairly quick and i make decent decisions for the tech switches.
Terran is my 2nd best race. I've played terran a lot before making the switch to protoss and won a good amount of games. i never really switched to higher tech units and so i lost almost every long game i played before switching to protoss. recently i've been getting much better at that tho.
Zerg is my worst race and it's not even close to the other 2. I don't have much of an idea about unit compositions, abilities of the units, what use certain units have.... etc etc etc. in short i suck at zerg.
I will be writing about the games i play, i will post replays, i will try to document my progress and i will try to give advice to those that want to do the same thing (i hear it's a bad idea to play random in bronze, i hear you should pick one race and stick to it until macro and mechanics are up to speed and you have a fairly good idea about units and their abilities and have enough micro ability to actually use them before switching to random).
comments are always appreciated, and so are reviews of the replays i post. don't go easy with the critique either, i'm grateful for anyone who will take the time to critique other people's stuff.