This weekend I ended up locked out of my apartment by accident, trying to sleep outside. The topic title might seem to indicate that I lived on the streets for the entire weekend, but this is not entirely true, since I was able to seek refuge in my new apartment, and sleep on its empty floors. Still, was a bit of an add weekend, and I certainly enjoyed it (even though it cost me a visit from a locksmith and probably will cost me a visit to a masseuse).
I was in an internet café and wrote a few longish comments on Facebook about my experiences yesterday. Thought it was blog material, so I'll just share what I wrote on Facebook here:
Initial entry
![[image loading]](http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5721/lockedout.jpg)
Trying to sleep outside on a hill
I certainly am well knackered today. Body tired and beaten, feel blistered and sore. So, I ended up lying on a hill close to my current apartment - one with a pleasant surface and not too much of a curve. I realize now that I should have planned ahead and found a nice spot while it was still day. This hill didn't have much cover for the wind, so it did end up being a little too cold for comfort.
At first, I considered going back to my new apartment where I had left my t-shirt. However, the weather seemed so mild, so I though I didn't need it (and besides, I was in the city, so going back and forth between the apartment and the hill would take me two hours). As I lay down the temperature still seemed fine. Despite the fact that my paper thin jacket didn't provide any heat, it seemed perfect. When I lay down, it scooted up against my neck, create a perfect seal. The hood was great for create a protective shell around my head, covering my eyes from the sun and face from whatever might fly or drop onto it. And no doubt that the smooth, almost silky surface of the jacket made it harder for little crawlers to get up into the insect graveyard that might have been my mouth.
I wasn't really feeling tired, though (had woken up late that morning), so I was just lying there, not even close to falling asleep. After lying there for an hour, I started feeling quite cold. I reckon that my body produced less heat while lying absolutely still, but at the same time it seems much colder today, so maybe the cold winds just picked up. I decided to move some spot nearby where the ground was fairly level and a bush gave cover for the wind. I lay there for an hour trying to sleep, but it seemed increasingly hard with my body now trembling from the cold. So, I got up, the hood still drawn closely over my face, closed my eyes, and started doing some static jogging, moving my feet back an forth, pulling my knees high. Initially to create some heat, but more importantly to get physically exhausted, hoping this would help me sleep. I did this for maybe 30 minutes. It turned out it hadn't been fully "static", as when I opened my eyes, I was somewhere else and turning in another direction.
I went to lie down again, and now had a 15-minute window where I was both very relaxed and very warm. Once the 15 minutes had passed, though, and the cold started creeping in, I wondered whether my desperate tactic might backfire, with my having spent my last energy-reserves, making it harder for my body to create heat, and now having a thin layer of sweat which could add to the cooling effect. It was 40 minutes before the air around me really got to me though, with my body slightly tensing up. I kept lying down for a bit longer, with my body shuddering. Then I got up and started walking around to activate my body. Then I went for a second round of static jogging. I only did it for around 15 minutes this time, and drew my knees higher and quicker. I was hoping that a prolonged moment of complete exhaustion might do the trick, and really wanted to wear myself out. While doing this, it dawned of me that this would be quite a scary sight if someone happened to pass by. A figure in the dark, a hood drawn fully over the face, contracting and expanding with breaths, doing what could only be perceived as some kind of ritualistic dance. Once I got back on the ground, the heat didn't last as long as before, but I could feel myself becoming a bit tired. Many tired I could feel pleasant waves of almost-sleep coming over me, a truly enjoyable feeling. However, it seemed that it only served to keep my mind fresh and not tired enough to sleep while knowing that the body was still in some kind of freezing danger. I was stubborn, though, so I kept lying there for a long time. Sometimes, I was able to ignore the cold for some time, but by now my legs were cramping so badly that the constant pain was keeping me awake.
I had been lying completely still for a while when I hear small footsteps in the grass around me. I didn't know what it was - the footsteps were too heavy to belong to a cat, and there was no panting, so I didn't think it could be a small dog. With my hood leaving only my mouth uncovered, I could see what it was - my eyes were closed anyway. I just listened intently as this little creature walked around me. Sometimes it was tip-toeing around in my vicinity, and other times it would run right towards me, then slow down, stand still, and either walk away from me or around me.
For a long time, I just kept listening to the footsteps for of this little creature, which just kept going back and forth. By now my body was basically convulsing, and it was all I could do to lie still. However, I got the feeling that I didn't want to break this little creature's new found trust in humans by moving - such a violent and threatening act. So, I just kept lying there. Then a few drops of water dropped in my face. Thinking it was going to rain, I finally had my excuse to get up. Once I had worked my body back into life and pulled down the hood, my new friend or rival for the area, of course, was nowhere to be seen. At 5:30 (asked some people I walked past) I had finally stopped trying to sleep outside. In the moments before getting up, I had fantasized about going to the new apartment and turning the heat on the radiator all the way up, maybe even taking a warm bath. However, it turns out that was never necessary. After my one-hour walk to the apartment, I felt more than warm enough and just lay down, munching a few slices of rye bread to have something for my body to burn. I then woke up at some point feeling colder than even, freezing terribly. I turned up the heat, but nothing seemed able to keep me cold other than standing in the shower under scolding how water. After showering and consuming a few more slices of rye bread, I seemed alright when lying right next to the radiator, even though I was still shivering a bit. I got up and was ready to go out, but as my body now was a bit warmed, it felt nice just to lie down, so I got back on the floor to sleep for a few more hours.
Walking around mindlessly
Was a great day, though, yesterday. In Føtex, I was approached by a charming old man, who wanted help finding something. After a bit of deliberation, we agreed that he was trying to find something to use use for washing dishes by hand. He really did most of the work, even though I found the right aisle, and was much quicker than me to tell what the different things were. In the end I picked out what it seemed like he was looking for, and he was quite adamant that it was the right pick, even though I wanted to read the back of the bottle to see what it was for. Really surprising that it said nowhere was the soap in the bottle was used for - they just assume people know. When I got to the counter, this old charmer was busy getting help from a lady and her young daughter, still talking in his quick, merry and slightly confusing manner, getting close and whispering in their ear. After leaving the internet café I walked randomly in a south east direction where I thought my new apartment might be.
I quickly ended up somewhere that I didn't know what was, and bumped into a group of around fifteen kids, probably aged 5-7, who were truly adorable (I'm starting to think that I have more of a mother's instinct than a father's instinct). They were stranded outside their playground as all fenced had been locked. I suggested climbing the fence and got to help the little ones over. I suggested that they would now be unable to get out, but they explained that the fence was much easier to climb from the inside. I then walked on, now really not having any idea where I was, and went from industrial areas to a beautiful area with houses on hills, which was even nicer that the hilly area in Hasseris said to have the best view in Aalborg. After walking for 2,5 hours, I decided I had gone too far east (or, at least, what I thought was east) and decided to go southward. Before too long, I chanced upon the place where my new apartment was. Not too early, mind you, as I had eaten two bags of chips as a dinner replacement, but only buying a small milkshake as a kind of pseudo-hydrant that at least served to wash the salt from my mouth. So, with every step I took, I was edging closer to death by dehydration.
After a bath and change of clothes, I went back to the city and went to a local bar/hangout to read Politiken (newspaper) and relax. Once I felt I had done enough reading, I got up to the table soccer (calcietto/fussball) table and started playing by myself, baiting hopeful challengers. Not long after, a nice guy, who seemed somewhat tired, pretty drunk and a little manic-depressive (while playing, he kept mumbling about how he couldn't believe 9/11 had happened, citing different movies, mentioning other disasters, while sometimes fighting to be cheerful with feeble jokes that seemed to die at their conception). Soon after, two guys (fairly big ones, with a viking kind of look) came up to challenge us. They beat us in a challenge for two beers. As we were at the bar desk, these two funny guys, pressing their luck, asked whether they had won two draft beers. I agreed, turned around and was distracted for a moment, looking at the notice board. Once I looked, the guys were no longer and the bar desk, but were sitting at their table with their beers. I walked down and asked them where I owed them. They seemed a bit confused at first, but then reached the conclusion that they hadn't paid anything. So, I had to go to the bartender and explain that I was paying for the two beers. I had agreed with the guy I first played with that we would face off again, so I went about reading another newpaper. But once the table was vacant, the poor chap was feeling too sad to play, I was went to my nightly resting place.
Getting back inside
Turns out that the housing association don't keep spare keys for my apartment anymore. Concluding this story, a locksmith just helped me break into my apartment. Cost me 500 DKK. Man I feel stupid right now ... and poor :D
Decided to sleep in the apartment Sunday night. It's a good thing no one came by when I was sleeping on the hill Saturday. While doing my second round of "static jogging" it dawned on me that it would be quite a scary sight. A figure in the dark with a hood drawn fully over the face, expanding and contracting with breaths, doing what could only be perceived as a kind of ritualistic dance.
Was certainly a weekend for a few firsts, though. I got to do getting-dry-without-a-towel exercises (turns out it's quite easy) and ended up brushing my teeth (without toothpaste) while walking in the streets. I don't recall having slept in the open before, but I guess I didn't really sleep either. Next time I do, I'll certainly try to be more prepared.
It wasn't worst case scenario, at least, the one I envision every morning with I go to the bathroom across the hall. Me, caught with only a towel and no way to get back into my apartment. Funny thing is I had considered putting a spare key in my bathroom, since no one was holding onto my spare key anymore, but I didn't think it worth the risk, with me moving soon.
The lentils dish I saved from last Friday is quite bland by now, but the chick peas I set to soak last Thursday sure are well soaked 
Vatican City State1650 Posts
I'd have just checked into a cheap motel nearby. There had to have been someplace more comfortable for ~50 bucks a night at most.
You have some pretty cool friends there, not a single one of them offered you a place to crash for the weekend. Funny how they rather see you sleep outside.
orgolove: 50 bucks is really a lot of money. I would feel stupid for using that much money because I made a mistake. I might use a lot of money on a few things I do want to by, such as candy or specific items that I buy through the internet, but other than that I try never to use any money unnecessarily, going to great lengths no to.
Also, I cannot believe that you read this blog entry in less than two minutes :D
On April 04 2011 19:23 Sotamursu wrote: You have some pretty cool friends there, not a single one of them offered you a place to crash for the weekend. Funny how they rather see you sleep outside.
Using a lot of time in front of the computer, and preferring close and deep relationships, I don't have many friends. Only one that I see regularly. Only a handful that live in my city, Aalborg. Never added anyone on Facebook, so only have 87 people as "friends" there. I'm sure one of two acquaintances might have considered lending me a spare bed, but most are students, and would only have had small apartments without any spare beds. That's why I wrote it in Facebook, really, leaving anyone who was comfortable with it to offer up help.
If it was that bad to be without a bed to sleep in, I might have tried to somehow get in touch with my uncle outside the city (going here to study, I stayed with him and his wife for three weeks before I finally got an apartment inside the city), but didn't really want to inconvenience him with this (would have been a pain to go back and forth during the day, and he's helping me move at the end of the month as well, so I don't want to go through too much trouble as well).
I usually keep a spare key at office and another spare in my car just in case.
But I have run into situations where I don't have access to any keys. I then proceed to kick the door till the lock breaks.
Replacing the lock costs me like $30 bucks but lock smiths will cost me $100+...
But yeah I'm lucky cause I don't live in a shitty suburb where you need double master locks and shits to keep thieves out.
On April 04 2011 19:45 haduken wrote: I usually keep a spare key at office and another spare in my car just in case.
But I have run into situations where I don't have access to any keys. I then proceed to kick the door till the lock breaks.
Replacing the lock costs me like $30 bucks but lock smiths will cost me $100+...
But yeah I'm lucky cause I don't live in a shitty suburb where you need double master locks and shits to keep thieves out.
The thing is, my best friend in Aalborg, an Australian girl I was studying with, moved to Budapest for her internship last semester. After this, I never deposited my spare key anywhere else (otherwise I could have trusted it with a good Icelandic friend of mine). I was away for 3-4 months on internship myself, subletting the apartment, and when I came back in February my lease was terminated, so I didn't really think it necessary, since I will have to move out at the end of this month. I never tried to live anywhere that the doors lock automatically before, and it really scared the shit out of me. I would double and triple check that I had to the keys every single time I exited the door. I did it this Saturday as well, when I was going out to buy groceries, but the keys I had sensed in my pocket were the ones I just picked up for my new apartment, which I just realized at the very moment my door closed.
when i lived in an apartment where noone else had any keys, i had the keys on a chain connected to my wallet. Since i _never ever_ leave the appartment without my wallet, i could never forget the keys either. Bonus is that you can't lock yourself out with the keys on the inside, there is always a chain in the way.
Now i always have spare keys at a friends place where i can grab them whenever i might need them.
I might probably have called a locksmith immedatly, though yes, they cost a lot but sometimes if they know you don't have a lot of money they might reduce the price or allow you to pay it off in parts. It also depends on the lock and how hard it is to break.
When i was staying with my uncle a few years back the door accidently slammed shut and the locksmith opened it for free in about 2 seconds with a bent lockpick.
Why do they make auto locking doors? Wouldn't it be better to forget to lock occasionally than to be locked out?
Actually, I just checked my phone. Sunday morning, a girl from my studies had actually sent me a message saying I was welcome to come inside to get warm (not noticing me commenting that I did not have a phone). She lives in a big apartment with a boyfriend and two kids. She was actually the one who I thought was most likely to offer a spare bed, since I had recently helped her move, and then had a great evening with her and some of her friends while eating dinner at her place.
Not sure if this counts as someone offering me a place to stay (since I'm not sure she did), but it certainly is nice
On April 04 2011 20:39 Yurie wrote: Why do they make auto locking doors? Wouldn't it be better to forget to lock occasionally than to be locked out?
I feel the same. Back when I lived with my parents, I only forgot to lock the door once a twice. It was almost as much of an automatic reflex as checking that I brought the keys is to me now. I guess when you live in an apartment block, you just a little more concerned with safety. It's now just my door either, since I live on the top floor, and the door that leads to my hallway locks automatically and needs a key as well. But with a lot of theft going around these days, I feel quite good knowing that any thieves would need to break through two doors to steal my stuff. Not that it would kill me losing the stuff, but the data on my external harddisks is invaluable, basically being the essence of most of my time spent and my only backup. So, better safe than sorry then.
I think a lot of places they have a mechanism that allows you to enable or disable the autolocking feature on the door, but we cannot do this where I live. I guess for people who never forget their keys, it might even be more practical with a door that locks automatically.
We have have a number lock for the main door to the apartment complex. Then the doors to the apartments don't auto lock. I like that setup.
On April 04 2011 20:59 Yurie wrote: We have have a number lock for the main door to the apartment complex. Then the doors to the apartments don't auto lock. I like that setup.
The front door to our apartment lock locks automatically in the evening (needs magnetic key to unlock). But yeah, I would probably prefer it your way. Would be annoying to have to type in the combination every time, though :D
I used to own a place in hotel apartment building (A shitty little condo in the middle of the building with no sun lights so yeah prime real estate in the city but crappy conditions). They require 3 access to get into my condo, first the master door at the front, then another for the lift, then another for my room.
One time I lost the magnetic key for the master door and lift, the management thought it was not a priority to replace it (only they had the contacts and rights to order new keys) and I had to take the stairs or wait for some one who goes to my floor EVERY SINGLE DAYS for 3 months. fucking pricks.
lol you should just had gone to the studenterhuset at sunday, there was a good brunch from 10:00 to 2:00 or something with great comfortable chairs etc, where you could hang out for a couple of hours. Meet people and be indoor.
Dont you read the posters that are around in the streets?
No, don't read many posters. Going to Studenterhuset would be a good option, and could easily have been among my activities Sunday, however, but the time I had woken up, walked to the city, written on Facebook from the internet café, it was 6:30 PM or later.
I'm sure there would have been lots of nice things to do. Didn't really do much Sunday since by the time I was properly awake and started functioning normally, everything had closed. I considered going to 1000Fryd, the place where I went Saturday, but didn't really want to pay to get in (they were doing a concert). Went to bed quite early, even if I didn't end up sleeping much.
Come to think about it, it would seem I need to clear up some circumstances. I'm suspecting that exeexe thinks that I wrote this today, since, if you follow the story, there is little chance for me to go back at 5:30, walk back and forth for two hours and get some sleep and then make it to Studenterhuset for that time.
So, as I tried to explain in the first post, it was actually something I wrote on Facebook yesterday. The only part written today is the first paragraph.
I think the real moral of the story is how your social life ... is a bit lacking. Not being able to find one other person to help you out and crash at isn't the best situation in life. For even that girl that texted you, the fact you weren't checking your phone (as in, calling people to ask for help) is questionable as well.
I don't mean any offense or blaming you or anything. Just saying, this is one of those life experiences that should make you stop and think about some things.
Good story still.
Glad you liked the story, a176. And yes, I was in fact curious as to whether anyone would make comments as to the "social" aspect of this. Mostly in regards to me sharing all this on Facebook and making the effort to write such a "monologue" in the Facebook comments (I basically thought up the whole narrative while it was happening, but then again, that could be attributed to my aspirations as a writer), but maybe also in regards to the lack of response.
I have to say, though, that I was perfectly aware of what the response was likely to be, so as such that isn't really a revelation. Even though I am quite a social spirit, I've never been much of a socializing guy, so my goal has always just been to have enough people to meet my needs to always have to have someone to hang out with and share my thoughts with, and still be open to whoever comes along. I didn't have any phone on me, but I would have gone to the apartment of my Icelandic friend, except I knew that he doesn't have a spare mattress (just visited him last week).
Almost never mingling with any social groups and always preferring to spend time one-on-one probably as a great impact as to how many people I know well. I do not mind the situation of not having anywhere to crash; I have always been used to doing my own thing and handling everything on my own, and I thought of this incident as more of an adventure. Still, I must admit that the dinner I had with the girl I helped move and her friends (mentioned in comment above) reminded me how nice it can be to have circle of close friends who spend time together. It helps make socializing more natural, effortless and comfortable and adds some important dynamics compared to just spending time with people one-on-one. I would sometimes get that feeling when my social life was provided through the boundaries of studies or work (where people often orient themselves in groups), but never really had a close circle of friends myself. Judging from my general inclinations, I think my instincts are rather pushing me to find a mating partner than a social circle, though