First off a brief introduction:
I am Antti, a 25 years old ICT student (I believe BSc in ICT would be my degree after graduating) from Finland. I've had a rather eventful time with my studies, which I may address in later posts, but I've been able to be somewhat productive up until recently. And that is what brings us to this blog.
What is this blog and why does this blog post exist?
Lately I've been unable to really engage myself in any free-time activities (including sc2 :/ ). I belive this is because I have such a huge load of other, more important, stuff (studies, work, etc.) unfinished that I just get a really guilty feeling for actively doing anything unrelated to those things. Then on the other hand I am somewhat of a master level procrastrinator. I have no problem replacing studying with endless hours of looking at funny pictures on the internet. Therefore this blog is mostly meant to be a personal tool for me to be able to get stuff done.
I've found it helpful in the past to set strict schedules for myself but it has been somewhat unhelpful since last autumn when I started my "full-time" job (more on that later). So after thinking about the problem for a while I thought it might help to write about these things behind the shroud of anonymity. Also some helpful hints from other people wouldn't hurt.
How am I going to start doing stuff again?
This blog post is actually the first step on my anti-procrastination journey. I will design a detailed schedule regarding my studies for the next two months and probably even post a stripped-down version of it here later this week. What I believe is going to keep me on schedule is the fact that probably a few people are going to read this and a few of those people will may even post a comment. At that instant I feel that I'm indebted to those people and must try my hardest to achieve what I've set out to do.
This blog had nothing to do with SC2!
Yeah, not much to say about sc2 YET. I was placed in silver somewhere around new year and I haven't really been able to do all that much about it. When I get my other stuff rolling on the right track I will be able to start playing a lot more. Maybe even get promoted a league or two -_-
P.S. This blog is really spur of the moment. I tried proof-reading it some but it still might be somewhat incoherent and ramble-o-riffic. Maybe not the best idea to start writing this after staying up last night watching MLG and the absolutely LOLtastic thread here on