So, I just got promoted into Diamond after two months as a Platinum player. It was like, League reset -> placement match(win) -> Platinum -> 3 wins -> Diamond. Of course I felt GREAT about it, especially because these four games were ZvPx3 and a ZvT.
Then I got in the so ever dreamed Diamond league, the one which I had dreams ever since I started playing at Silver league, in the Latin American server, back in August...
...Just to see it and say WHAT THE FUCK.
I'm fine struggling to a new league, heck I almost got demoted in my transition to NA since the playstyles are so different from LA, but what is happening to me isn't struggling, it is fucking retarded.
SC2Gears replay analysis:
Zv* 39 87 19-20-0 48% 9:47:24 00:15:03 3 13.0 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvZ 15 84 4-11-0 26% 3:06:27 00:12:25 3 5.0 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvT 13 88 7-6-0 53% 3:42:57 00:17:09 3 4.3333335 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvP 11 88 8-3-0 72% 2:58:00 00:16:10 3 3.6666667 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvZ 15 84 4-11-0 26% 3:06:27 00:12:25 3 5.0 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvT 13 88 7-6-0 53% 3:42:57 00:17:09 3 4.3333335 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
ZvP 11 88 8-3-0 72% 2:58:00 00:16:10 3 3.6666667 2011-03-29 2011-03-31
Are you fucking serious? Not only my best MU, supposed to be Zerg's worst nightmare, is ZvP, but I'm RIDICULOUSLY BAD at ZvZ.
On the Platinum league, last season, I'd have about 45% W:L on ZvZ. Most of the time the game would develop a bit into roach/hydra or roach/ling battles, but it would be pretty much even. But on Diamond? This is what you get:
- 6/7 Pool
- 10 Pool banelings
- 14 Hatchpool -> Mass Ling all-in
- 10 Pool banelings
- 14 Hatchpool -> Mass Ling all-in
No, SERIOUSLY, wtf are these people doing. I had like 4 or 5 games, out of these 15, where the game developed into roach battles. I either lost because the guy opened with lol-blings, and I got "Rock-Paper-Scissored" since I'm always 14hatching when someone is doing a 10pool, or they are 14hatch/pooling when I'm 14 pooling.
When I decided to go agressive with a 10pool, the guy BLINDLY built a shitton of spine crawlers and I got roled because I felt safe "lol he is in turtle mode" and then he would just bring a 17drone mass ling all in after making 4 spines after a FE. wtf. seriously.
Then there was this game where I decided to go for a simple style after seeing him turtling with lings and A LOT of spines. I got a good amount of roaches, so I'd be fine against all ins. With so many spines, and after seeing a very quick lair, I thought "mutas" just to see him going infestors. Ok, I didn't commit at all to AA defense, so I'd be fine. In the end, I lost by getting purely outmacroed. Ok, fine game.
My wins?
There is this game, my most recent win, he went hydra/infestor(/a lil' of roaches) versus my roach/hydra comp. Won by outmacroing and denying(?) his fourth(!) base. 41min long game.
Another win was a 12pool->blings that destroyed his economy completely, and I just had to make a bunch of roaches and lings to finish it.
Another win was a 6pool after raging of a loss streak.
And the last of the FOUR wins was a reasonably good defense against a bling bust after going hatch first. Apparently the guy expanded behind it and transitioned to Roaches, but his larva inject wasn't on par of my own.
Seriously, people talk a lot about ZvP, how "imba" it is, how FFs are "OP", I just got a good timing with burrow that can destroy MC-style pushes(similar to Sen's timing versus MC on Shakuras, except MC is too good), and any four gate is very easy to deal IMO. Most of my wins come from Protosses that can't stick to their plan: They build a SG and I scout it, cancel into 5gate(lol failed push); They get 3gates with a stalker first and I scout it, cancel into a SG(4 queens await! plus lol-lings) etc. I also apply enough pressure to make any sort of tech kinda bad against me, and all my losses against P are either because I didn't scout correctly or because I can't react to CrunCher's style(Voiray+fenix->Collossi->loldeathball) and its timing correctly, and since it is so rare it is hard to get a good feeling to deal with it. I'm not talking about turtle toss btw, I'm talking about constant pressure on maps that are impossible to engage his natural like Backwater Gulch.
Either way, CAN ANYONE GIVE ME A STABLE BUILD FOR ZVZ PLEEEEEEEEEEASE?! 14pool isn't cutting it, and I DON'T KNOW a good scout timing(as I build my OL? as I build my 10th drone? as my 10th drone finishes??) to be safe against all that stuff. Now I'm doing 12pools, but it is so freaking awkward it isn't funny.
I appreciate any help.