Tonight I've been spending time with a 4 Warpgate all in.' My end goal is to work with a strategy that isn't an all in, but rather something that applies very early aggression and leaves the door open to switch into some tech.
Right now, I'm just focusing on the all in part so I can get some timings down on an actual all in strategy. The good thing about learning specific strategies is that you can really start to notice what the other player is opening the game with which will obviously help against stupid losses.
So, from just a complete blitz standpoint, I don't think I'm going to improve these timings by much. 4 zealots poking around in the base at the 5:10 mark, with another set in at 5:45 if I don't end up getting myself supply blocked.
Next up is to tinker around with applying really early pressure while being able to keep the door open for stalkers.
And again, I'm still looking for some folks to spar with. If you're a decent player and don't mind messing around with someone at my level, hit me up - infinite 721.