First time i make a blog so be gentle...
So why do i still watch progamming or why do i watch it in the first place?
I won't go too far on why do i watch it because i feel this is something that isn't gonna be too interesting and is something that most of tl knows and understands. We all watch it cause it connects on us a emotionnal level, be it on the level that we love how deep the game is, how incredible the players are, memories, strategy etc... We all watch it for some reason and we love it or we wouldn't be here.
I got into the beta preaty early played the game like crazy till the channel patch hit us was in high diamond. I watched the GSL and every game i could find because i had the time and the inerest.
But now i have too much work, school, social life to still play. Im in university in biology, i work and i have a big social life with friends, we go out alot bars, clubs, raves name it were stupid enough to do it and we love every second of it.
So why do i still watch pro games, i don't have much time and it would be better spend elsewhere. I think it all goes back to when i was young and i gamed alot on diablo 2 and SC. I got into progamming around when the first TSL started. I remember Bisu vs Savior as my first big thing, i remember the phase were flash would 14 cc every game, Bisu impeccable dt timings, OOV fall from superpower. I remember the trio of powerhouses Flash, Jaedong Bisu. Anyone here remember when Flash hit 2400 ELO and everybody got crazy.
Now i stwitched to SC2, Jinro rises to fame after MLG, IM MVP destroying Marine king prime in GSL 3, Fruitdealer epic victory, Neastea outstanding decision making, IM vs ST awsome finals. BUt why do i care?
Why do i care if Tester gets beaten by a horrible rush, why does it matter if Bitbybitprime cheeses an opponent to victory. Why does it matter to me to see progamming houses in Korea, to know if Artosis has a cat.
Starcraft is a passion, while i may not play anymore and have 10 000 other things to do when i will finnaly have some time to watch OGSMC vs STJULY finals i will be pumped and i will love every second of it. My friends and girlfriend don't really understand why i take so much interest into it, my parents do neither. But it is important progamming has influenced my life and helped me grow, it hasn't turned me into a geek, it's made me see something incredible and made me love it.
I have a watch that has been broken for over a year, still everyday i put it on Why? Because i remember the first time i got drunk i had this watch, my first time having sex it got stuck in the girls hair and i had to rip it up (XD im an asshole).
I will probably watch SC all my life and even if i take Hiadus from it i will alwais think of it. Id just like to thank everyone part of the community, from the big guys to the no-names on TL, to the youtube watchers (BAMMM XD). You all made this possible and without effortless commitement from everyone, from the organisors of tournament to people who dedicate their free time watching it.
Few games have a community so strong that makes their game last not only shelf space but transcends into something greater, Starcraft is one of these communities THZ everyone for the memories.