TSL tonight was actually perfect. I wouldn't typically sit in on a saturday night for any tournament but with TSL I'm not left with much choice.
Perfect commentary by chill and day. Perfect obs by hot_bid. Perfect hype. Perfect graphic work (and especially the portraits omfg) Huge prize pool. Perfect qualification (seriously I wish every tournament could be run like this). Perfect players showing amazing games. Not a single uninteresting matchup. Perfect map pool. Perfect streaming (everything ran sooo smooth, that is probably the only big complaint I can think of regarding TSL2 but TL obviously made sure not to repeat that mistake) Great audience, felt like the whole event had a really positive vibe in IRC and the LR thread with few complaints and little balance talk which is unusual. After the unfortunate unfortunate boxer disc. The way TL dealt with it was, again, just perfect. My god, it's so professional!
Seriously this is like the best thing ever. You guys should be so proud of how incredibly well you've done! Huge thanks to all the dedicated and passionate people involved in this. <3
I 100% agree.
TSL is the best managed tournament i've ever seen and the games have been amazing.
yeah! Really good job teamliquid!!!!!!!!
As I was telling some of the admins earlier - this has some of the most epic production value ever. I love it!
the best part is, its not even over yet!
TSL fightinggggggggg!!!! <3
I think the LR being free of balance whining is thanks to the banning spreed during the finals half a day earlier :D
Croatia9479 Posts
Yeah, I don't usually watch SC2 tournaments, but TSL is TSL....
And boy, it didn't disappoint one bit!
very good obs control by hot_bid
yea best show ever ! TSL makes night perfect
AHHH Mazing production value. Great tourney.
The only thing they dont have is casters together in studio, apart from that it is perfect.
Thanks TL for bringing us these awesome lineups!
i am just scared when someone else casting not that i dont like them but i will miss day9 every time soo much ..
also i am afraid about one result today + Show Spoiler +the 2-1 of boxer vs nightend i rly hoped the european could win
Best tournament I've watched so far, so smooth, great games. And it's only the ro32.
I accidentally slept through the first two sets, but caught the second two and I gotta' say I'm really impressed. Everything from the amazing production value of the videos/stream, to the insane professionalism of everything about it was really impressive!
I think my favorite part is the fact that there's finally a "big" non-Korean tournament meaning that I don't have to stay up 'till obscure times of the night just to watch the games. VODs are nice and all but there is nothing like watching live.
edit: tl;dr TSL3 is fracking awesome!
I totally agree, TSL today was excellent. The stream was especially impressive -- great quality, almost no lag.
Absolutely 100% agree. I was watching this with some non-SC people and they were all surprised at how professional the whole operation looked. Really impressive job TL!