This is my first ever blog entry and I am doing it off my phone so excuse the quality.
Anyways, in one day I am leaving for a one month holiday and I will not be able to play Starcraft. Nawww
But seriously I am and even though it's just a game this actually upsets me. I mean I spend a lot of time playing sc, I mean it's the only game I do or ever have played. I guess it is the ultimate game right? I mean it has been awesome and frustrating at times but that just shows I care about it. And so many other people feel the same way; Starcraft 2 is eSports. To me the game is a mixture of chess, call of duty and the card game bullshit. Ummm or just wc3...
Damn, there is so much to it! Anyway I got it at it's release and had never played a strategy game before or any game seriously. I climbed from bronze to high diamond and I feel I could almost make masters right now, but I am going away.
I would appreciate if people would send me replays of them playing ; Protoss only I need to study upon return! Oh and I they nurf the archon toilet I am goin to kill someone!
You rock!