Why Starcraft 2? Why did i decide to play it? I needed a good game. I needed competition. After my competitive counterstrike career was over, i was focused on school. Currently I have been doing extremely well in my semester and needed a way to relax when i had nothing to do.
So i looked into starcraft 2. It is one of the only games i can handle 1v1 on my college dorm's slow internet. It is one of the only games with such popularity in a single country such as korea and the amount of tournaments that are running is amazing.
I bought the game and found team liquid right away. I jumped right into multiplayer and got my ass handed to me about 10 times before i went on the TL forums and pleaded for help. After reading many replies, i began to attempt to take it all in. I had several friends who also attempted to help me.
It is amazing to see such a great community. People were always willing to help. My platinum zerg friend helped me macro better as zerg. Fellow diamond Tlers added me and played with me. Some even gave me tips.
I went 0-21 to 16-28. I am still negative and in bronze, but i am slowly learning and as a beginner, i feel quite proud of myself. However for the past few days i have stopped laddering. After 4 days of straight ladder, i felt i needed more practice and i wanted to communicate with the community.
I hoped on teamspeak and met some cool people
One dude was a guy named Roberto. He was called chinacaco on the teamspeak. He was a high diamond zerg, about to enter masters. Another was Ponyo on the vent, who was a masters in NA and platinum in korea.
They played many games with me and played games against each other. I always observed. For some reason, they just wanted to help me! They watched me play against the very hard AI, 2 raxed me and pressured me in custom games to improve my defense and overall game play. They were practically coaching me for free. Infact... they are coaching me for free. All the help and advice they give to me is highly appreciated. The fact that they give up their time to help me makes me want to continue playing and show them i can get out of bronze. If i have so many high ranked players helping, i have to get out of bronze asap! I can't let anyone down!
But i know it isnt easy. There are so many players improving. I want to keep playing and achieve that zerg master rating. My overall goal is to compete in tourneys. At the rate i am going, i hope i can do so.
I have several open/newb tournaments coming up for the next few sundays for the entire month. I will do my best =]