Since i dont need to look at the keyboard to type, I was going to spell something amusing.
perhaps jaedong msl edit: or jaedong vs. qxc
Also, I am not going to learn dvorak. Sounds like a bad idea when im already typing 100+ and also the fact that I would have to switch every time i use a different computer sounds dumb.
I also read about the 5 and s switch but it doesnt matter too much and i was thinking about something crazy.
On February 16 2011 11:38 Mr. Wiggles wrote:
If you play Zerg, replace the S and D keys with B and M respectively. Replace G with Q.
Spell: IAMTHEB357 across one of the rows.
Maybe I'll think of more
Mr. Wiggles you are funny ^^
On February 16 2011 11:35 MarineHeroSamKhan wrote:
One question, when you put the keys back together that randomly would it actually all fit?
Yes, all "normal (1 square)" keys will fit and you can swap any normal key with another normal key.
On February 16 2011 11:35 TheNessman wrote:Take this chance seriously to change to Dvorak type set!! I've heard really good things about it and it seems like it's WAY faster if you can use it. wait What are you asking for??? Are you going to put half the keys in the wrong place to spell words? I guess you could get STARC24FT across the middle of your keyboard. That would be cool lol.
Starcraft looks pretty cool too...for some reason my 2 key has a down arrow attached...hmmm