Alright my school does Valentine's day candy grams where you can send a card, flower, and hershy bar for 5 bucks to anyone of your choice.
The prank in question would be to send a candy gram to a girl and on the from line put the name of an unexpecting victim and then watch the result. As I see it, it ends three ways.
1) girl rejects unsuspecting friend, lawls ensue. 2) girl accepts proposal, and throws self at victim who will have no idea what is going on, but slowly connect the dots and enjoy a new girl friend. Also he now owes me a girlfriend. 3) girl accepts proposal, but victim is to stupid to understand what is going on then tells girl it was not him, hurting the feelings of the girl.
I am on the fence about this and feel like he wouldnt prank me like this, but my teacher said it would be a great idea and he is almost never wrong about things that are great and prank related.
If your teacher says it's a good idea then do it bro! Also:
+ Show Spoiler +2) girl accepts proposal, and throws self at victim who will have no idea what is going on, but slowly connect the dots and enjoy a new girl friend. Also he now owes me a girlfriend. lol I like the way you think
I say no. He's your friend, I presume he's used to pranks/cool with it. But it's not fair on the girl.
In my experience, candy grams usually end up being some casual/fun event. I think the girl won't take the candy gram as seriously as you are predicting.
On February 10 2011 14:08 JadeFist wrote: In my experience, candy grams usually end up being some casual/fun event. I think the girl won't take the candy gram as seriously as you are predicting.
Well me and my council of prank friends were gonna write some .... more serious stuff that would be hard to shake off
I do not think that is an acceptable prank
If he doesn't care about her and neither do you and you're very meanz, why not. Otherwise it might be better if you think of something else^^
If 2 or 3 happens, take credit, assume dominance, and take the girl. If 1 happens, let nature take its course.
Win-win-win situation.
While your at it, send your teacher one too.
On February 10 2011 14:16 reprise wrote: If 2 or 3 happens, take credit, assume dominance, and take the girl. If 1 happens, let nature take its course.
Win-win-win situation.
While your at it, send your teacher one too. For the teacher I suggest delivering it yourself, with a harp, naked. Worked for me bro!
Happened to me actually.
Received a fake gram from the girl I had a crush on. Embarrassed in front of the whole class.
Then confronted the guy and threw a piece of paper at him. Accidentally hit his eye, to which he deadlegged me, I ended up half-crying, and embarrassed myself more.
So for the sake of protecting other people's dignity, don't fucking do it.
By the way, I was in 6th grade though, so it MIGHT be more acceptable now if you're in high school/college.
new prank, get a cow and make it walk to the top floor of your school, see cows can walk upstairs but not down, it takes a crane to get it out.
Depends on the two people involved... probably not a good idea if you pick a person who is really shy and nobody really knows, since you don't know how they will react. Be nice!
Also, make sure the candy gram tells the girl to go to some obscure part of the school, it usually takes a crane to get it out.
It really depends how likable/unattractive your friend is. The more unattractive or on the border he is, the better the prank. Goal - laughter, but not toying with people's emotions too much.
On February 10 2011 14:19 Zergneedsfood wrote:Happened to me actually. Received a fake gram from the girl I had a crush on. Embarrassed in front of the whole class. Then confronted the guy and threw a piece of paper at him. Accidentally hit his eye, to which he deadlegged me, I ended up half-crying, and embarrassed myself more. So for the sake of protecting other people's dignity, don't fucking do it. By the way, I was in 6th grade though, so it MIGHT be more acceptable now if you're in high school/college.  As mean as it may sound, but I couldn't help lol'ing over your story
I would imagine this ends with
(4) Girl gives your friend a weird look, nothing happens.
Do people really put so much stock in a candy gram?
Calgary25963 Posts
Doesn't even seem like a prank, just seems malicious.
I'm fairly certain that *some* people in school take relationships and the possibility of relationships seriously. And that's sarcasm; it's definitely the case that some people do. Don't risk hurting others' feelings by sending jokes like these.
How would you like it if you had a secret crush on a girl, and you told a friend of yours who sends you a candygram *from her to you*? And then you approach her and then she laughs in your face?
Totally depends on the people. There are people I would feel ok doing this to, others I wouldn't even consider it.