Anybody else in the same boat as me? Lately I've just lost the desire to actually PLAY games, well multiplayer games that is. Watching streams or vods on the other hand is a different story.
I'd rather tune into one of our beloved featured SC2 streamers than play ladder myself. I'd rather watch HoN streams on justin.tv or watch honcast vods than play.
I'm not sure when this change in attitude towards games started. Probably around the time I quit WoW. Most of my friends also played so we kind of connected there or/and on a WoW related vent. Ever since I quit I haven't had many people to play SC2/HoN/TF2/MNC/L4D/BF:BC2/Killing Floor with.
Anyways, just wondering if anybody else has seemed to lose an interest in PLAYING but not the desire to follow, aka watch, the games they love still.
I started off only watching and being too scared to play but i found some friends to play casually with and talk to while i ladder, so i play more and watch less. o.O. so im pretty sure it is you not having people to play with :p
Well only 2 friends out of my 100 from BW play SC2. And they only do tower defence, ums games ect. I played 1v1 for awhile, but now much rather prefer watching. I am so excited about MLG starting again. I stayed home and watched the entire event in Dallas. It was alot of fun.