I am a noob who just got promoted to silver with a 13-10 record. In my previous entry I shared the experience of my first three placement matches, sharing with you all the joy of outmacroing your opponents. However, in my last 2 games I got marinetank rushed and baneling busted respectively and got placed at bronze league. The funny thing is that in the last game I knew I was gonna get baneling busted yet I could do nothing to stop it, mostly due to inexperience I guess.
I didn't rage or anything, but I got somewhat worried. I didn't know how to fend off cheeses and I got placed in bronze league, where many people is supposed to be cheesing in every single game. So my conclusion was that the only thing I could do to survive was to cheese back. In other words, what I would do was to make lots of units early to fend off incoming cheeses and then counter and win. In case of my enemy didn't rush, then I'd cheese them cuz I'd be so behind. That idea made me feel very bad, like cheesing people who tries to play an interesting game is not really fun.
So, commited to this idea, I started to play games. However, I decided to do that without looking up any info, aka playing without knowing what the rush builds were. Naturally, I lost most of my first games but I soon started to win more than lose. Meanwhile, I started to figure out by myself which builds and units go well against each race, some early timings, hotkeys, openings, effectivity of rushes, etc. by just playing. 23 games after, I got promoted to silver. Today, reading liquipedia, I found that I already knew all the 4 general openings for terran that are written there. But that's not the point of this post.
The point is that while laddering trying to cheese effectively, I felt something strange. The first games I didn't feel too guilty for rushing because I lost, but as soon as I started to win with my self-made cheeses I noticed that instead of feeling bad for cheesing the other player, I felt so much joy and pleasure by doing that.
Witnessing how this greedy player tries to tech and expand so fast just to lose to 3rax being feeded by 15 scvs is so ruthlessly fun... as much as rushing back this guy who rushed you first, win in a base trade caused by mutual cheese, winning desperately a game where the enemy has hold off all your attacks and you're about to run out of minerals by pulling out scvs... I love that feeling of "win or die", no second chances. It's so exciting!
I know this is not how the game is supposed to be played and that pretty soon I'm gonna get matched with people who knows to hold off rushes while not losing too much, and that I'm gonna get crushed pretty soon. But oh man I have so much fun cheesing the city...
Of course I've been cheesed too, I've lost to megaraxes, dt rushes and all kinds of crap but obviously I have nothing to claim against. Also I'm amazed at how effective scvs are at tanking and even dealing damage. I always thought workers were useless in any fight, but in sc2 those workers sure can make a difference lol
Anyways, if you're not sickened yet by this cheesing apology or if you are this wicked player who enjoys the cheese, I've uploaded and recapped some of my games.
As always, beware of the massive noobinness of my play: misclicks, awful timings and misrallies join together to offer a really painful watching experience.
Also, the games are against silver, gold and platinum players, and are posted chronologically)
TvZ in scrap station. Z baneling busts me while I banshee rush. I get cloak in the last moment and autowin as my CC floats his way to Jupiter.
TvP in blistering sands. The first game where my infamous 3rax (techlab/reactor/reactor) build proves effective against a competent player. P attacks my rocks as I'm walled off, I repel the attack, I move to his base and he barely holds off with zealots+voidrays. He counters then, gets in my house and takes off some depos, and I barely kick him off. I move towards his base again and he's finally forced to capitulate as my army unit count is superior.
TvZ in jungle basin. Z is a complete baller who takes map control, techs and expands all at the same time. I all-in BBBP style with non-upgraded marines and scvs and he holds off very well but in the end he has to surrender to the marine haxor.
TvP in steppes of war. As usual I 3rax him and due to constant reinforcements he ends up losing and rages all over the screen.
TvP in blistering sands. Hardest game to win up to now. I go with my lame 3rax but he zealot rushes (iirc) and I hardly hold it off. Then lots of back and forth happen, where we both keep counterattacking after the other's attack. I notice I'm about to run out of minerals in my base and obviously I have neither enough resources nor mental stability to expand, so I pull out scvs and make one last final push. The scvs were the deciding factor of this game and his heroic tanking severely cripples the P, and the few marines made off the leftovers of my base clean the enemy base and win.
TvT in scrap station. I decide to try 3rax against terran while the enemy techs to banshee and expands safely with tanks bunkers and that fancy stuff. In some moment early in the game I push with my MarineMarauder and I almost kill him but 2 cloaked banshees come and I have neither enough marines nor energy for a scan so I have to pull back. I know I'm so behind that I decide to give it another try. I get more MM and a raven for detection purposes. I push again pulling out scvs and although he has lots of shit tech and eco MM is just so fucking good I clean everything and win.
and as a bonus...
FFA in kulas ravine (TvTvPvP). My first FFA ever. I turtle hard and build an army while fending off attacks (I think I was the most aggro'd player in the game iirc). I kill one guy and eventually it becomes 1v1. The fun lies in that when I had my 200/200 army, even though I could have expanded anywhere and keep resupplying my army, I just go all-in pulling off scvs and just destroy my enemy who has to surrender with 10k minerals and lots of gas in his bank.
So that was it. If someone actually enjoyed it I'm so glad he/she did so. I just wanted to share it with you my fellow liquidians.
And to all the cheesed people out there, please don't be offended, as this all is made only with humour and fun purposes.
You know, I'm most likely to change my mind any time soon