This brings us to today(ish), I picked up StarCraft 2 on release, and have found a new love for the competitiveness of laddering (well, in general). I have since decided to focus on Brood War for getting better. This nostalgia I feel playing this game, and the thrill of being slaughtered over and over again makes playing fun.
I never really kept up with the proscene in Korea, looking back on that now it was a mistake. So much excitement, drama, HYPE! that it just seems criminal now to not have done such. I am slowly going back watching old VODs of the greats, and the not-so-greats and am intrigued at how much the game changed over the years.
So in light of my discovery of competition and my rediscovery of a great game, I am going to attempt to document my progress as a budding Protoss player. My ultimate goal is to try and update this once a week, but it may not happen (final year as a Physics undergrad may make this hard, but we'll see).
The mechanics in this game are hard to get the hang of at first; it requires amazing hand speed to keep up with all that is going on. Things I need to work on:
1. Build Orders - Mostly smoothing things out. Also reading opponent and tailoring builds to what I see/interpret. Liquidpedia helped a ton here. <3 <3
2. Macro - Lord is this terrible. I can keep up with 2 base macroing for a short period of time, but as soon as I get many production facilities / upgrade facilities running everything falls behind.
3. Micro - No comment on this yet. Not going to try and work on this until my macro is up to what I deem par.
As a final thought, anyone on iCCup that is willing to stomp me into the ground a few times? Haha
That is it for this brief entry, I wish you all best of luck in your endeavours~