Anyways I despise mirrors, not only are they balanced so I can't complain against imba(I don't actually complain bout imba), but I tend to lose most of them. Maybe worst of all they are really boring...
Anyways what is the solution???
I have decided not to play then. Now you may be asking how is this possible its like I know how to effect blizzards matchmaking, wink wink. Well I don't. So instead I just resign whenever I run into a mirror game. In theory if I win 100% of non-mirror games I can still go up in rating.
Now this has had some negative effects on me, mainly it made me go from masters to diamond.
Though I swear blizzard tries to give me as many mirrors as possible, oh well, i will not be broken.
Anyways to show my seriousness here is my match history, most of the losses are from resigning, seriously how does blizzard give me so many mirrors......
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/EbCwJ.png)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/Mj0mz.png)
You are a genius! You will also get more achievements this way!
Calgary25963 Posts
I'll let it slide because you're a good poster, but don't make all-caps titles.
Hahaha, if it were allowed, I would like to try race-picking and playing ZvP instead of PvP. However, blizz interferes too much with SC2's ladder. What can you do?
ZvZ isn't boring, just aggravating most of the time. (I have no clue what I'm doing, took too long a break recently :p).
Awesome idea though haha. Show Blizzard who's boss!
Mirror matches are the most fun MU's...
Mirrors are the easiest to get good at. Here's the easy solution:
Every time you lose a mirror, watch the replay. See what the opponent does, practice that, and do it the next game. If he can beat you doing what he did, you can beat other people.
TvT is my favorite matchup in Brood War (I'm weird like that), because I did exactly this.
What race do you play? If it's protoss, I can understand. After the Inca vs Anypro 4-gate vs 4-gate match, I wanted to claw my eyes out. If you're terran, I don't quite understand since TvT is not too bad to play.
ZvZ is personally my favorite mirror. TvT tank viking is very boring, and in PvP 4wg is a drag. I have a lot more fun in ZvZ.
You must be a protoss, that matchup is driving me insane
if u hate it, why dont u just 7pool every game?
i mean its easy to do and its pretty much a coin flip for winning or losing. game will be over in 3 minutes that way neways, and at least u might actually win some games.
I love zvz. 
I think I have a psychological edge in the mu too when my opponents complain and I tell them that.
Sorry about the caps title.
Also currently I play toss, though I have played all 3 races a fair amount and I can say I hate all 3 mirror match ups.
Oh man.. PvP can definitely make a man unhappy.
I personally love mirror matches. They are IMO the truest reflection of skill possible.
Sparring bio squads amidst tank lines and aircraft duking it out for air supremacy, while having to watch for drops at home and sneaking scouts around.. so tense. So fun. TvTs are awesome.
I don't know about that, I love mirrors! As a terran player who seems to not really understand the game, at the very beginning of SCII (the game, not the beta), I quickly moved to diamond with the "IMBA" terrans, losing to P and Z a lot but winning all of my TvT's, which is still my very best matchup. I just loved it if ppl started saying "t imba" when I finally won ONE non-mirror game because I killed T and died to the other races.
Maybe I should play the other races to understand their restrictions, but I cannot bring myself to do so... I just love the rusty metal and stimpacks.... hmmmm
Mirror matchups may be a true test of skill, but I tend to think most people at my rating have better micro and macro than me. So in straight up fights like mirror matchups where everything is fair I tend to lose.
United States17042 Posts
pvp 4 gate vs 4 gate is junk =_=
TvT is actually a really fun and dynamic matchup. Watch Jinro v MKP in the code S semis.The matchup supports a lot of different playstyles, from slower, more muscular styles to highly mobile hit and run styles. You can open with virtually anything, so long as you can transition well and be able to deal with the more problematic openings (i.e. banshee harass).
my personal experience is that the AMM keeps giving me matchups that i've recently been losing in. when i was on a tvt loss streak i'd get like 10 tvts in a row. now i'm getting nothing but tvp in my last 10 games and i've been losing them all.