So it's been months since I last played SCII a combination of massive amounts of work and a declining interest of playing an RTS that made me twitchy every time i played it, well these things broke me off of my long spree of playing the game. I stopped playing like right at attaining Diamond due to my "goal" being reached, playing anymore felt to me like being a tryhard.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/JNjz7.jpg) And I don't play games to be stressed I got a marriage for that stuff. So few months away, Cataclysm came out so I went back to playing WOW for awhile. I can't raid due to my work and I'm too competitive too play online games w/o trying to be the very best. BTW, being the very best at SCII is never going to happen so like I said no goals there for playing so I stopped. I ramble a lot. So anyway, today, a couple months after my last game I decided to throw myself into a 1v1 rq on my main race. BROTOSS. PvZ I always feel bad about this matchup, those effing mutas... So without any further ado here's my replay. http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/131013-1v1-protoss-zerg-shakuras-plateau Debating whether to talk about it and spoil it or just let anyone who's interested watch it. New goal, master's league, cause that's the new diamond league, i like being with the cool kids apparently. Game's easy enough to wing your way through it without practice. Don't know what those bronze kids problems are.
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Perhaps the lower league players determination is not high enough to achieve Diamond? I was placed in silver after placement and then i thought to myself:
"I'll get to gold and then that's it, gold looks better. After getting to gold, I though I'll try platinum because i'm sick of that yellow badge. Now I'm in Diamond because I'm sick of that eagle.."
Anyway, GL on achieving Masters, though the icon may be fugly and simplistic, its still quite a road ahead. Unless you're one of those lucky ones and only need to play <5 matches to get in..then its much easier.
masters is definitely where all the cool kids are at. you better get in before you become a total social outcast
you should talk about the replay cuz i'm doing homework and i can't be bothered to watch a replay yes, I am that self centered
Jeez dude you are my long lost identical twin. Your thread here is a mirror image of my life and how I view the things I participate in. And a full time job and marriage dont help those "qualities" either.
Yeah it's a problem for me being this competitive, I'm not like violent drunk competitive, more like I take pride in my video games and what I accomplish on there (not so much elsewhere unfortunately, not sure where I missed that leap in deduction). So like Old halo days with friends I'd stop them and then there wouldn't be any more competition so i'd be bored and move onto the next. I can't go and dick around being casual with friends on WoW or any other mmo they want to try, I start getting all tryhard and then pissed when our "guild" does nothing. Elitism, sadly, is what it is called. I don't like it and I don't want it, but I get pissed when people can't do as well as me in games.
The replay: + Show Spoiler +Shak plateau bottom spawns for both, i go into some kind of retarded halfassed 1gate 1 forge wall off in nat and expand... didnt make any cannons idk why not, but he didnt attack me so that was good, got some shit up and +1 weapons, no build order just got it eventually. Had a decent sized army and 1a'd them over to the enemy base thinking easy. (scouted him, 1 refinery so no mutas inc so i felt good and popped a robo b4 i moved out thinking roach hydra, lost my entire army to his roach push, thinking oh shit well i guess i lost -shrug- he didnt attack so i rebuilt my army with immortals+colossi this go around and +1+1 went along the rock path at the bottom, he had an ovie but still didnt manage to place his army in time, my bros go in waste his army RIGHT before his corruptors spawn, shit was so cash. his birdies spawn and finally wipe my colossi but his roach army is all gone now, meanwhile im building up a third army back at base, but my last 3 immortals and 8 stalkers cleaned up his base, he had an issue moving his roach army into mine but not using Amove. I got lucky I bet  Army makeup the second time: lots of zealots cause i was rockin 1k min, 2-3 immortal and 10 stalkers or some shit and 1 hero colossi that turned that tide him doing +1 to those roaches was like a hot katana through some kind of roach statue made of butter in midday. Hot phasing katana... mmm was so hot.
Yeah, I should totally be a caster.