Ok so I just put together a new computer and successfully unlocked the Phenom II X2 555 BE into an X4. Great. So happy.
Now I would like to copy everything I have on one of my computers to this new computer. What is the best way to do that?
They running different CPUs, and hardware. The other is an i7 950. Is this possible or is cloning only possible with similar hardware computers? Any other options?
I looked all over the internet and this stuff seems to be pretty complicated and noone really has a dead set answer out there. So many people are sayinf different things. Some say its like the holy grail of backups while some say its simple. Some say you need similar hardware, some say just some of the same hardware, etc. I have over 300gb worth of programs and games I dont want to have install again, so any help would be awesome. I'd like to just "clone" it and start playing SC and whatever else I want right away.
I tried to save an image of the other computer and recover that image to the new one, but that didnt work.
Please help TL.
i thought only the tricores were quads with a disabled core? guess they skimp on the dualcore too.
You can't just swap the old hard drive into the new computer and update your drivers?
I use clonezilla for imaging but in my experience it can get screwy if the drives aren't exactly the same size.
Why not just install a fresh OS, and copy the files you want to save?
Put your old harddisk into your new computer. If the old computer doesn't need it anymore just use it as boot drive and the new harddisk as secondary drive. If the old computer should have its harddrive back, boot something like a linux from dvd and make a direct clone. I have no clue how that works, but i suppose it should be possible in some way. Mighty mister google might help you there.
pretty much, so long as your boot sector is on your main hard drive, you can just swap it into the new computer and away you go, you will need to update/change drivers but windows can do most of that for you.
If you want them both to work, you can just copy everything on the hard drive onto your new hard drive and then remove the old one, boot and get windows to make you a new boot sector. Should work, you would just then need to install your drivers.
I've done both before, but not on win7. I assume its still possible tho
edit: you will need to make sure you get all the hidden folders etc copied too, you wouldn't want half your settings and OS missing ;p