I had a dream last night that I made it on a SC2 team. I don't know what team I was on, but we went to a tournament and sat on bleachers. The games were projected onto giant auditorium sized screens. Everything was going good until I realized I was going to play first, as the newest member of the team. I had my choice of opponents, then I saw Idra among a sea of Koreans, and realized I was up against EG. So I said "Hey, Idra, lets play!" He was like "Cool, ready?" and I was all "yeah".
Thats' when I realized I wasn't ready. I should've asked for some time because the next thing I know the countdown was starting and the laptop I was playing on was unstable in my lap. My optical mouse wouldn't track on the glossy wooden boards of the bleachers.
I turned around and put the laptop on one of the bleachers, but then I realized that the backlight on the screen sucked so I tried to angle it so that it would reflect some light from the projectors. I dug out a piece of printer paper to use as a mousepad but it quickly became crinkled and almost unplayable unless I held it with my keyboard hand. A minute into the game, I finally got my probes mining.
Even then my troubles didn't end. Frustrated that I couldn't make my units do anything, I was willing to build ANYTHING just to have built something. I didn't scout, I went pylon - gateway - gateway. Not 2 gate, but gates at 13 and 18. I barely had money for anything else because I couldn't even build probes correctly. Then I was supply blocked.
I finally scout him and see Idra had 3 bases and was building roaches. With my 4-5 zealots and a sentry I valiently charged into battle at my ramp, but the forcefield misclicked and all the roaches and zerglings swarmed into my base. As my probes continued mining (I couldn't select them to run them away) my screen flew off to the side as my mouse cursor got stuck on the edge of the screen.
Happily, I typed out GG. I had played Idra, and lost. I had done the best anyone could be expected to do.
Haha, i thought this would be about Martin Luther King junior at first.
On January 18 2011 05:56 Airsick wrote: Haha, i thought this would be about Martin Luther King junior at first.
That was probably his intention lol
I've never played so much starcraft to the point that I get semi-nightmares, but I have dreamed about it sometimes T____T Yours was an epic dream LOL ...glad to see you play protoss :3
i had the dream that i control the game with my hands and i can wipe enemy units off the map or block em with my arms. i think that was a result of me watching the video of the guy playing wc3 on a huge touchscreen ^^
you dont know what nightmares are until you have laddered on iccup for 8 hours straight, its like, you are fighting a zerg tvz, and no matter how many expansions you shut down they always have 2 more, and then somehow 12 carriers show up, this game really messes me up sometimes.
HAHA, I want to draw pictures of this. So awesome. xD
I'm sorry you lost to idra in your dream so poorly. You probably could have done better IRL. XD
Misclicking is a very useful talent toi have.
This is so great hahaha. I love the "Happily, I typed out GG. I had played Idra, and lost. I had done the best anyone could be expected to do."
btw The title is a great way to get this attention lol .
Its impossible to drive properly or run away from something in your dream, and I think we can also add "play Starcraft" to the list.
On January 18 2011 09:18 shindigs wrote: Its impossible to drive properly or run away from something in your dream, and I think we can also add "play Starcraft" to the list.
Definitely possible to run away from stuff in dreams...pretty much all of my nightmares consist of my fleeing of something (or organization or whatever else it might be), and the pursuer is always extremely adept...but I am too, and also have the power of flight...and the chase goes on until I wake up and no one really has caught or fled the other :/
The only times I can fly in my dreams are when I'm being chased in terrible nightmares T______T