Time to vent for a minute, there is cheese everywhere, the bronze league is so full of it, an entire army of mice couldn't deplete it stores. Every other game I play involves some sort of cheese strat, proxy cannons, 6pooling, 2rax scv/marine allin's etc etc. It's frustrating because I know I can stop the cheese rushes, I usually scout them early and figure out whats going on, I just don't quite react in the way to stop it. I also know I can beat these players in a straight up game, thus my frustration. It almost makes a player want to resort to cheese themselves just to beat them.
Christmas story time: Back in the GSL 3 ro8 and onwards I happened to end up working on nights when there were matches, so I would take my laptop and sit in the recliner and watch them late at night when everyone else was asleep at the station. Well, wouldn't you know it but I had to work for the finals. I wanted to do more then just sit and watch them on my laptop, so I brought an adaptor and cable from home to connect it to the flatscreen TV. I get everything hooked up and settle into my chair to watch tastosis and MC rock the toss. Before the first set started, one of the rookies on my shift came into the room to see what the noise was. He sat and watched the first part of set1 and then headed back off to the sleeping area. Five minutes later the rest of the crew is following him into the room and plopping down wherever, trying to figure out wtf I was watching. Anyway, I begin trying to explain the basic premise of the game, what the GSL was, how big starcraft is in korea and gaining ground in the foreign scene as well. Tastosis came up big helping them understand what was going on, with a little help from me explaining what a pylon was, what the gateway did etc. Anyway, we stayed up for all the matches and now they want to watch the next season of GSL! It was fun being able to share my excitement for the game with the guys I work with and have them join in, two of them went out and got SC2 and are trying to play now at the station with me!
I will return with more stories, frustrations and experiences after the holidays, hope everyone has a safe and happy christmas.
-Nervegas Go Go Ladder Fighting!
2/5 cause I wanted there to be Wallace and Gromit in this blog...
I really wanted a Wallace and Grommit blog =(
^ haha
Cool story OP, always nice to see people reacting positively to more 'public' displays of gaming. What sort of place do you work, "station" could mean several things.
Didn't even think of that one. I do own every wallace and gromit production, ever. Even the online shorts they did. Ok, this blog post is now about wallace and gromit. What is everyones favorite scene from the original three short films? Mine is from a close shave, when they have all the sheep on the motorbike and wallace yells down "Get yourselves organized down there," and the sheep literally form into a giant organized pyramid, by far my favorite wallaceism.
On December 25 2010 07:37 Elegy wrote: ^ haha
Cool story OP, always nice to see people reacting positively to more 'public' displays of gaming. What sort of place do you work, "station" could mean several things.
I am a firefighter, should have put "fire station" to clarify.
good story and hopefully this becomes a tradition for you fellas ^^. Cheers
Oh wow, only if i had a workplace where i could have done that. Oh well. Awesome story, and yea bronze league sucks. Just learn to counter cheese and you will be plat in no time.
Whew...thought this was someone calling me out for cheesing
On December 25 2010 08:40 Grommit wrote:Whew...thought this was someone calling me out for cheesing 
Not to mention spelling your name incorrectly
On December 25 2010 08:40 Grommit wrote:Whew...thought this was someone calling me out for cheesing 
where is wallace D:
nice story! it's nice to hear intro-to-sc2 success stories. merry christmas, hopes the cheese doesn't stink up your holiday.
On December 25 2010 07:52 Lemonwalrus wrote: FUCK I WAS SO EXCITED FOR A WALLACE AND GROMIT BLOG FUCK FUCK FUCK This lol.
Nice story anyway OP, always nice when Sc is appreciated by the masses.