Fast forward a few months and I'm playing like nonstop all the way from comp fodder to computer stomping pro gosu. When retail releases I get ranked into gold! :O The highest I've ever been ranked before! I'm super excited and even more motivated to play...but that's until
Im a first year in a ridiculously intense program (theatre production, WAY harder then it sounds like), and so I quickly lose all free time to do anything that makes me smile. That includes starcraft Any free time I do have ends up in me doing homework which is a lot less fun then it sounds.
So essentially for the past 2-3 months I've played maybe a handful of ladder matches, a few of the custom maps, and practise with a few friends (including teachy a friend who is completely new to the game as well)
But TODAY! I had some free time. Even more so, I had the will to ladder (which I had been avoiding. The last ladder session I went on was a long losing streak which crippled my confidence).
To make a long story short, I play my first ladder match in what feels like forever and get a terran who surprise surprise goes for a marine scv all in. The game lasts maybe 8 minutes before he says gg and compliments me on my drone micro.
And the icing on the cake is. With that one game, I got promoted to platinum! :D
Diamond here I come!
...When school doesn't get in the way...