Just wanted to express myself after having played a fat session of 1vs1.
In 8 out of 10 games I get flamed superhard. No, I don't do 6pools or any variations of it or anything. (I play Zerg)
Terrans are the one who gets pissed the most, I didn't play a game today where Terran didn't insult me when I won. Almost everyone of them 1rax expanded while I did a 14hatch, and then started droning, scouted them. Saw they had an easy defend to break. Popped a couple of lings, banelings and roahes (for the hellions if there was any). And just rolled them over.
How can that be defined cheese or all-in?
It's really annoying, I don't think my play seems like all-in at all.
Do you think a 2base baneling bust is cheese/all-in?
Damn dude you are really good at this game
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On December 11 2010 08:46 storm44 wrote: Damn dude you are really good at this game
Where are you trying to get.
It's all subjective. To most people, "cheese" is anything that does damage in the first 10 minutes of the game. Many people don't see the line between cheese and aggression. Some people even say not playing like a robot is "cheesy" or "stupid."
That being said, I don't have a definition for cheese/all-in 
As for your build, I don't see that as cheese/allin though. You went for a standard opening. You saw him doing something risky (light defense). Rather than letting him get away with it, you punished him. It's all part of a standard game.
if people start calling you a newb, are you going to come to these forums and ask us if you're a newb?
you know it's not cheese or all-in understand that people are just mad because they lost
cheese is something which succedes over 90% of the times if unscouted and succedes 1% of the time if scouted
To me, cheese is any strategy that theoretically loses you the game by leaving you in such a poor position in terms of economy, production, and tech if it doesn't win the game.
So, a 6 pool is cheese because if your initial and follow up lings don't win you the game outright, you have a relatively poor economy, little production capability, and no tech.
Honestly think a 2 base baneling bust is cheese because you are behind very far in terran's economy if you fail to break natural since zerglings are very larva heavy.
On December 11 2010 09:07 whitelynx wrote: Honestly think a 2 base baneling bust is cheese because you are behind very far in terran's economy if you fail to break natural since zerglings are very larva heavy. seriously read this page http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Cheese no one hides their baneling nest in order to "surprise" their terran opponent
cheese is what people call your play when they lose unexpectedly in an unconventional way.
I don't think that your playstyle is cheesy or all in, but it's perfectly fine to cheese or all in. Let's say you have two players A and B. A wishes to play longer macro games while B wishes to play short cheese/all in games. If B chooses to cheese/all in, then B gets to have fun, A doesn't. If B chooses to do a long macro game, then A gets to have fun, B doesn't. Let's say (100-X)% of the opponents that B faces wants to do a macro game and X% wants to do cheese/all in in that particular game. If B does cheese/all ins every single game, then the net utility gain is equal to (200-X)%*games played, whereas if B does a macro game each game, the net utility gain is equal to X%*games. Therefore, in order for the most amount of people to have fun, you should cheese/all in every single game if that is what you desire.
Thanks for the replies guys.
It's just that so many people seem retarded on battle.net, it's gotten to my head lol.
You'd think it would be different at 2400 Diamond...
Cheese is just one of those words that only has meaning within a small circle of friends, and loses meaning the more people you include who might fuck up the definition.
Basically noobs on b.net think that "cheese" is the internet version of the word "cheap." IE anything that seems overpowered. AW MAN DON'T USE ODDJOB THAT'S SO CHEAP.