Hi, first blog post ever.
So... I am a 2k+ Terran player, and I have been just sick of playing 2.2k+ players who constantly cheese... The ladder games I play are just not as good as the practice games I play on custom games... So I decided to grind portraits lol
My record was 113-71, a little over 2000 and it took me 86 losses in a row to get back to bronze... I think it dropped to me 1600+ bronze rating... Now I am playing random, grinding some portraits and back to playing custom games w/ high diamond players.
I think next season I am going to start to play ladder and aim to get top 200, when it starts fresh.. but for now, I think practice games and portrait grinding seems fun for me. The practice I get on custom is way better than laddering anyways - o-
Oh and I am ranked 31st in NA right now for bronze LOL!!!
oh poor bronze leaguers
post youtube videos trolling them =D
haha... most of them have been very nice, lots of them very suspicious but they still GG
I sometimes leave for the really nice guys that want the win super badly hehe
ROFL your ID's telling me that you don't like cheese
They should really let us ladder on one 1v1 team for each race and one for random. Stuff like this is bullshit but it is the only way for you to do it. 
Edit: Fuck balls that was my 4000th post, lamest guardianification ever.
On December 01 2010 15:48 Lemonwalrus wrote:They should really let us ladder on one 1v1 team for each race and one for random. Stuff like this is bullshit but it is the only way for you to do it.  Edit: Fuck balls that was my 4000th post, lamest guardianification ever. Don't feel too bad. My carrierification happened spontaneously while I was sleeping one night. t.t
86 losses in a row sounds like it'd be a chore to do.
On December 01 2010 15:48 Lemonwalrus wrote:They should really let us ladder on one 1v1 team for each race and one for random. Stuff like this is bullshit but it is the only way for you to do it.  Edit: Fuck balls that was my 4000th post, lamest guardianification ever. hahahahaha fail
on topic, do you plan on throwing games just for the portraits or do you plan on getting better with each race?
I am doing both.. I am really liking zerg and might play zerg for next ladder season
I'm curious, did you get bumped down from league to league (Diamond to Plat to Gold etc) or did you go straight from Diamond to Bronze?
113-71 was a really good ratio! Also, blizzard states that MMR is kept throughout seasons therefore...you might need to play 86 noobs before playing people your level! Super awesome record for the next season!
U jerk! Poor bronze players T_T
On December 01 2010 16:05 ReketSomething wrote: 113-71 was a really good ratio! Also, blizzard states that MMR is kept throughout seasons therefore...you might need to play 86 noobs before playing people your level! Super awesome record for the next season!
hm this was not what I wanted
could I get a source for this?
and I just found out I can win by worker rushing lol
For the 86 losses, did you just wait for a game to start and just leave it without sending your workers to mine?
it starts, i leave right away
Poor bronze leaguers... just watch it you'll be in silver soon and then you'll have to deal with the pure pwnage :D
Haha dude - you left a game against me today :-)
if anyone mentions this thread I will leave for you