So today, I got to talking with a couple of co-workers, about what "kind of guy" I am. The say I am the nerd type of guy. I got to thinking about what this means, and what type guys there are out there.
There is, The Nerd, now please reply if I am wrong, but when other people say Nerd most people think of, a person who sits on their computer all day and plays video games all day and only goes out side to possibly go to work. Now this is me, but I wouldn't go as far as saying this is me to a point. I would put myself into the next class of a guy.....
The Geek. Now think hard on what a geek is. If you are having trouble thinking about what a geek is, please watch this clip. + Show Spoiler +I can't really explain it anymore then that, but I have done most of that, almost watch, read, played, or seen everything they show in that clip. But still I am not 100% in that class.....
Then there is, The Jock. Everyone knows this person. Guy who watches every basketball game, always has a Sunday Night Football Party, and has his house fully decorated in football pictures and his favorite team. Now I am not a person who doesn't like going to game, nor do I dislike to watch a football game. I can watch a football game and know just as much about the game as they guy next to me. But again, I couldn't tell you the stats for the Green Bay Quarterback. So again, I could fill into this either....
So, how did I describe myself, well it takes all 3 of them into one, and I still have not described what this would, other then "a guy". So yes, I have the Nerd in me, I love Starcraft 2. TeamLiquid.net is my home page, and has been for the past 2 1/2 years. Yes, I will stay up to 3am to watch the GSL/Proleague/OSL. But then I do go out side. I love to meet new people. My job is a trainer, so I have to talk to people all day. Then I have the Geek, I will sit down and play DnD with all my friends, I watch the Star Wars movies when ever they are on, I never miss an episode of Big Bang Theory, and I have an extensive Anime Collection. But again, I am also the Jock. I played football in High School, I go out the local soccer/basketball/football games when ever they have a home game. I will go out and watch football with friends if they are having a get together.
As always big <3 to anyone who read all of this. Wanted to see if anyone else out there in TL is like this or if I am just a rare type of "guy".
Actually, you got nerd wrong.
The nerd- The smart one that dedicates their life to learning and intellectual competitions like chess. Not very attractive and lacks a social life.
The Geek- Tech savvy people who play video games and devote their life to technology.
You forgot hipster which is the bastard child of everything and is very annoying. There are 3 billion men in the world, isn't it ridiculous to think there are only 3 kinds of them? 99.9% of people are a mixture of everything.
I'm probably more Nerd/Geek than jock, but I do play hockey 2-3 times a week. I obsess about movies and video games more, so that's how I'd classify myself.
Naw I'm right there with ya man. I wrestled in high school and do competitive jiu jitsu and boxing in college (gets me to the gym 6 days out of the week), have read more manga to the point where i accidentally read english right to left sometimes, watch more anime than I do mainstream american television, love playing the guitar/ukulele/vocal chords, and hit the greek system/clubs up pretty often. and I do the whole Starcraft thing, but I figured anyone here would know that haha
so yea, I feel like a lot of people don't exactly fall into one category, but you can have one that defines you a little more than the others if that makes sense.
I love creating mutually exhaustive categories that highlight my rare and diverse background.
What does that make me???
Then there's the type of person who has to classify every other person. BUT THIS TACTIC ONLY WORKS ONCE SO YOU CAN'T USE IT ON ME HA
It was just a stupid conversation. I'm sure that none of those guys meant anything by it, they were just passing the time with whaterever came to mind. Labeling people doesn't serve a function anyway because people are to complex to be put into a single category. You might be quiet arond some people, fun around others, hard working around the next etc. etc.
dude i love how you are all three things. A balanced life is the way to be!
Does this remind anyone of that RPG in BW (Day in School or something?). I would always choose the zergling. I think it was a loner.
So few people fit into broad generalisations like yours that they are worthless. As you get older you'll realise you can't just put people into categories, you'd need about 100 categories to start getting anywhere close to being accurate with generalisations.
I class myself as a nerd, I'm from Australia and this might be different elsewhere but a nerd is classified as "the smart guy" and the one the does all he work yet plays a lot of games. I have a certain dedication to my work and will gladly study astronomy and practice maths on my school holidays ( and out of boredom have started learning korean:D). Jocks here play "Aussie rules" and under age drink whenever possible. They also get all the hot girls. That is my view on things anyway.
Long live science.
p.s. great post i would like to see you add some more "types of guy" and maybe even types of girls as I'm sure there are some girls on Team Liquid.
On November 30 2010 21:08 Niso wrote: . Jocks here play "Aussie rules" and under age drink whenever possible. They also get all the hot girls. That is my view on things anyway.
Well it's not suprising that social and outgoing guys will meet social and outgoing girls and some of them will mix. Also attractiveness for guys is a lot to due with your physical fitness/body build. Girls a little less so as long as you're not fat. Meanwhile all the girls who stay in their room playing video games will meet all the.. oh, wait..
dude, pretty much exactly the same as you :D. Although maybe less of a jock, I still do a lot of combat sports and am competing next year, I don't fit into any particular niche because I also do music but love science and video games and nerd activities and even classical music which makes me fairly unusual. So yes definitely not alone, you are *yoda voice*.
Norway28548 Posts
i think if you are no longer in high school it's very dumb to define yourself as any kind of person, and if you are still in high school then it's merely a little dumb.
You are 3 things but I think old spice only has a wash for people who are 2 things so you may have to wait a while before society accepts you sry.
I like how you put 3 categories, but then say that you are all 3. What's the point of categorizing if you can't even pick one category for yourself?
On November 30 2010 22:36 Liquid`Drone wrote: i think if you are no longer in high school it's very dumb to define yourself as any kind of person, and if you are still in high school then it's merely a little dumb. Haha, I like this response. As soon as I read the title I thought it was going to be a list of 'guy types' from a teen magazine. What type of guy is he? The type of jeans he wears will tell you! Oh, man.
On November 30 2010 22:36 Liquid`Drone wrote: i think if you are no longer in high school it's very dumb to define yourself as any kind of person, and if you are still in high school then it's merely a little dumb.
I agree. Though, in college the words get tossed around a lot too. I'm 24 and still describe myself as a huge dork. Some people take it the wrong way and assume I'm some high school version of the kid no one likes (even under high school classifications that's not true)!
If you want to look at it another way, consider this. What do a bunch of nerd friends do when they hang out? Well, there are are usually random games, a slew of internet references, and various forms of entertainment ranging from movies to getting hammered. Compare to, say, a bunch of younger frat guys hanging out. There's probably a lot more drinking, talk of women, games (but not of the same sort), and probably a sporting event or loud music. All these examples are a bit stereotypic, but here comes the big idea: no matter what group of people you hang out with or how they think of themselves, all groups of friends serve the same purposes of bringing people together in friendship and having a good time.
A friend of mine works out every day, acts like a typical high school jock, yet he plays pokemon in his free time. This isn't too unusual, just look at all the athletes and sports fans keeping the Madden franchise alive and all the fraternities that host Halo parties. Who cares how a few people define you, just be yourself!
On November 30 2010 16:18 B-Roll wrote: So, how did I describe myself, well it takes all 3 of them into one, and I still have not described what this would, other then "a guy". So yes, I have the Nerd in me, I love Starcraft 2. TeamLiquid.net is my home page, and has been for the past 2 1/2 years. Yes, I will stay up to 3am to watch the GSL/Proleague/OSL. But then I do go out side. I love to meet new people. My job is a trainer, so I have to talk to people all day. Then I have the Geek, I will sit down and play DnD with all my friends, I watch the Star Wars movies when ever they are on, I never miss an episode of Big Bang Theory, and I have an extensive Anime Collection. But again, I am also the Jock. I played football in High School, I go out the local soccer/basketball/football games when ever they have a home game. I will go out and watch football with friends if they are having a get together.
As always big <3 to anyone who read all of this. Wanted to see if anyone else out there in TL is like this or if I am just a rare type of "guy".
So when you first meet someone, it's easy to look at him on the surface and stuff him into one of these 3 narrow categories, but of course when you look at yourself you see it as more complex than that because you are a big unique well-rounded snowflake. WHAT A COINCINDENCE
did you ever consider that maybe everyone is actually a unique person with a complex combination of personality characteristics that can't just be summarized as "nerd," "jock," or "geek" once you actually get to know them?
But yeah, probably not. You're probably just the only person in the world with varied interests.